June 28, 2010

Get Out Of The Boat!

Posted in Faith, ICTA Tennis, International Christian Tennis Association, Leadership, Scott Paschal Tennis, Sports Ministry, Tennis Athletes in Action, Tennis Devotionals, Uncategorized tagged , , , , at 10:23 am by Scott Paschal

So blessed to reach 300,000+ for Christ at world's 5th largest professional tennis tournament.

To go from a fisherman to fishers of men.

The privilege, the honor, is mind blowing.

Jesus called for Simon and his bro, Andrew, to drop their fishing nets and follow him.  (matt 4:18-20) They did. Me, too!

Mexico, USA, Australia, Canada..ICTA is raising strong Christian leaders to impact nations.

Cool thing here for me to think about…Jesus knew that Simon, Pete, and I were ridiculously flawed.  Yet, he still wanted to bring us into his inner circle.

He didn’t ask for our grades in seminary, didn’t want 10 references, wasn’t interested in checking our credit score…and He def didn’t care if we made Him look good.

He said to drop everything and follow him. We did.

Pete even walked on water to follow Jesus. Lol…check this out…

“During the 4th watch of the night Jesus went out to them, walking on the lake. When the disciples saw him walking on the lake, they were terrified. ‘It’s a ghost,’  they said, and cried out in fear. But Jesus immediately said to them: ‘Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid.’ ‘Lord, if it’s you,’ Peter replied, ‘tell me to come out to you on the water.’  ‘Come on,’  He said. Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus.”  matt 14:24-25 (niv)

I remember clearly when God called me to “drop the net.”  He put the words…International Christian Tennis Association…in my thoughts.

He then relentlessly developed my imagination to see mission trips to the world’s most famous pro tennis tournaments, a world class Christian tennis academy, pro tennis teams traveling the world sharing their faith, a global membership of believers…

The words…International Christian Tennis Association…were so clear that I dropped everything and my life changed. When you truly see God calling, you know. You might not exactly know what to do next…but you know that you know. 🙂

My wife, Mel (front left), leading 2010 ICTA Pro Team throughout Egypt. The team impacted Russian player, Lera (front right)...and countless others.

For a while I followed God in “my own little boat.”  Then, like Pete, I got out. And, like Pete, I sank, too, after a few steps as doubt crept in.

But, there was no doubt what happened for those first steps out of the boat.

The vision God gave to me, the way God created my new imagination, the “walking on water” steps He gave me…are all very real. Same with my flaws he recruited me with. Very real.

Now, eleven years later… ICTA has reached 2,000,000+ people at famous tennis events on large-scale ICTA Global Outreach mission trips. Our incredible tennis academy program has developed players full time from 23 countries and 16 USA states.

Our ICTA Pro Tennis Team has reached 1000’s for Christ at pro tennis tournaments worldwide from Israel to Italy to Nigeria and beyond! Christian tennis.net gains over 100,000 visitors yearly, this blog has had over 150,000 readers…and ICTA membership has exploded worldwide to reach over 2000 cities in 60+ countries.

People have come to know Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior.  Seeds have been planted. In what is a truly Jesus-less sport worldwide, He is becoming known

My mom! It is a blessing for all of us who have Moms who pray for us. I am fortunate, indeed!

Aisa..Buddhism. Middle East..Islam. Globally, tennis is 80% non-Christian. Our harvest field is huge.

The potential to impact nations is fantastic. Political leaders, business owners, celebrities…worldwide…from all religions…they play tennis as their source of recreation and physical renewal and stress relief.

ICTA is raising up teen leaders to impact a global population. ICTA is reaching 100,000’s yearly at famous pro tournaments. ICTA is challenging the hearts and minds of world class athletes worldwide to question their religions they were born into.  And, ICTA is confronting an over-churched, passive American Christianity culture to realize God’s plan for our nation.

Personally, I can tell you from experience that your life will change when you choose to follow Jesus.

And, when you follow, you will have your opportunities to “get out of the boat.”

Let me know how I can help.

I’m here for you guys. I know life is hard.  And I know following Jesus can be tough, too…

It’s tough partly because anytime we get out of a boat…we end up rocking the boat.

Others may become upset because our bold choices are rocking the boat they are routinely sitting in.

Also, we will probably make waves around us, which may disturb others comfortably sitting in their boats.

You may even feel like your boat will tip over as you step out, over the side and into the water.

And, let’s be honest here,  to those watching us…it can seem pretty insane for us to claim we’ve heard Jesus’ call…and are about to walk on water! Lol..!

Scott and Melody Paschal

But, that’s ok.  Keep focused on Jesus.

Focus on the One walking on the water calling you to come to him…!

Step out!  Rock the boat!  Make some waves! Go for it!

Send me an email or give me a call. I am here to help. I do care. You are important.

We can take some time, together, and make some waves..! Lol…

God bless,

Scott Paschal

International Christian Tennis Association, President

Ultimate Impact Tennis Academy, Owner


  1. LUCIO said,

    Hi, Scotty

    great post…
    soon an athlete from Brazil will be trainning with you.
    Good expectations!
    God bless you and Mel

    • thanks for your comment, lucio! we are all excited about your son’s arrival to train with us full time! God bless!

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