January 29, 2009

Rafael Nadal & Achieving Big Things

Posted in Uncategorized at 12:18 am by Scott Paschal

Rafael Nadal, #1 ATP, overcame many mistakes over the years...

Rafael Nadal, #1 ATP, overcame many mistakes over the years...

I love people who work hard to do great things.

I love learning about people who are driven to go beyond ordinary and have a passion to become extraordinary.

What makes some people choose to do more with their lives?

What drives those special few individuals to greatness?

I don’t think there is one simple answer.  It’s probably a lot of answers all rolled into one.

I think it starts with a choice.  I think people who do extraordinary things in life make the choice to work harder and work smarter.  And I think they don’t quit easily.  They keep working hard, learning from mistakes, and growing in skill.

So many great athletes, scholars, inventors, politicians, religious leaders….

When I study these people I find they almost always have one thing in common, which is they almost all had difficult childhoods.

Yes, a difficult childhood.

The ability to overcome their difficult childhood seems to have taught them how to become better leaders and achievers.

These people tend to grow up and attempt to do great things.  The second aspect these people usually have in common is that they fail… a lot.

Yes, extraordinary people usually had very difficult childhoods and failed many times before they succeeded.

Rafael Nadal, ATP #1, falls and misses the ball...

Rafael Nadal, ATP #1, falls and misses the ball...

These people don’t seem to mind trying their hardest and learning from their mistakes.

They don’t see mistakes as bad.

They see mistakes as their teacher.  And they see the ability to overcome their mistake as the goal to becoming successful.

That happens in tennis, also.

Great tennis players almost always had coaches and parents who taught them to learn from their mistakes.  All tennis players are going to make mistakes, but the great ones learn from them.

Sometimes the people making the mistakes are the ones learning  and improving the most.  The better a tennis player becomes, the more complicated and intense the mistakes become.  Yet, those mistakes start happening against stronger and stronger players during much more difficult situations.

And those players begin to stand stronger in their beliefs about themselves and their abilities.

For those of you striving to achieve great things… thanks.

I appreciate you.

For the person who invented plastic… and coached the winning team in World Cup… and walked on the moon… and won a Grand Slam… and taught math for 20+ years to 12 year old rebels… and discovered electricity… and chose to become a Christian missionary… and so, so many other extraordinary things… thanks.

Nadal blue

Don't quit. And do not listen to people who tell you to quit.... Champions did not quit!

For those of you at a crossroad in your life wondering if you want to take the easy way or the extra-ordinary way, I’m cheering for you!

Was your life hard when you were a child?  Yes?  Good!

You are less lazy than many others.

Do you often fail when trying to be successful?  Yes?  Good!

You show you are willing to keep trying and to keep learning.

Don’t listen to people who say you can’t be successful at what God is leading you to become.  Those people are probably miserable failures who quit and make excuses.

Focus on your prize.  Focus on your goal.

Believe in your ability to learn and to grow.

Ok, that’s enough for now… I hope this helped you believe in yourself.

You have a big God.

Scott and Melody Paschal

You can do big things.

Philippians 4:13,

Coach Scott Paschal

ICTA Inc.,   President

Ultimate Impact Tennis Academy,   Owner

International Christian Tennis Association

386 793 0557   ballboy4Jesus@yahoo.com


  1. mary matheson said,

    I always wondered why I was different to other people. Your message has inspired me to try harder. I had some immense failures in my life and for a long time felt defeated.

    Lately I feel I am no longer a victim or just a survivor I much more than that and I am going to keep pushing myself to be the best I can be and then see if I can do better than that.

  2. Lester Clement said,

    I am really blessed to have been able to come across yor web site. i fellowship at Jesus forever Ministries, Ramattally park, Fyzabad, Trinidad, West Indies. I am a Tennis Player, organiser (Petrotrin inter departmental lawn tennis tournament), Petrotrin is where i work in the HSE department as a Fire Technician. i really love the hear of the work you all are doing and pray to God our father that he will give you all more grace to continue the good work.
    Yours in christ,

  3. len sive said,

    No one learns from success, only failure; and no one grows much from praise, but from self-doubt and the willingness to persevere amidst even the severest adversities. Life is presented as “wholly wonderful” by the media as well as by many (so-called) Christian churches. Evidently they have never read the Bible, which is Adversity writ large. Life IS adversity. God doesn’t promise, and perhaps can not even deliver, Life as Wonderful: rather, God promises that with His aid we can surmount any problem, overcome any difficulty, and deal with any adversity–so long as we are trying to life a life that is Christ-like. And his promise is (eternally) faithful. People who are “blessed” because they have glided through life more or less unscathed are rather to be pitied than praised. For error and sin are the handmaidens of a mature faith, and the building blocks of wisdom. God’s wonderful news is that faith overcomes all things. Indeed, on a cultural level, no first-rate artist, writer, or poet. (Goehe said somewhere that he knew but two weeks of unalloyed happiness in his enire life.) But with God’s grace they turned their chaff of suffering into wheat of wisdom, beauty, and faithfulness–and that has, for them, all the difference.

  4. Ross said,

    Very true. If you look through out the bible God used those who had failed. Moses committed murder yet God chose him to lead his people; King David, described as a man after God’s own heart, yet committed adultery and murder; Joseph, which started out as a spoilt brat who lauded it over his brothers became the second most powerful in all Egypt and saved his family and Egypt from starvation; Paul, responsible for intense persecution of the church, yet God used him to spread the gospel to the gentiles and write down some of the most important doctrine of the New Testament.

    Those who fail know that they cannot do it without God. God delights to show mercy. When we fail we need to turn to God first, who forgives and gives us the strength to continue and fight the good fight. God is all sufficient and in him alone can we overcome failure.


  5. T. Suma Latha said,

    What you said is so simple and true. I had a difficult childhood too and am in the making to serve Lord more effectively. Every time i thought to myself “that’s it! I’m gonna quit!” Jesus lifted me up. I know He loves me so much……but why me? I never knew. All i learnt was “never quit!” Please pray for Nadal..he must be healed from Tendonitis and also about me and my family. God Bless You!

  6. Paul Ko said,

    How can I use Tennis in Taiwan to reach the Tennis players who just play Tennis everyday in our public courts in Taipei. I wanted to get some ideas about how you reach your community through Tennis.

  7. Liberty Chipise said,

    Inspired and motivated, God bless you. Now I know I am ‘normal’, will keep trying till I make it and surely I will make it.

  8. Elidia said,

    I just would like to thank you so much for your inspiring message. Yes I remember that my dad struggled to put food on the table for his 6 children. I remember that only my friends could have birthday parties, that they had trendy cloths, and I was had to wait for my birthday or Christmas to have a new dress or new shoes etc…
    I remember that I learnt to play tennis by hitting a heavy wooden bat on the local beach were I grew up, tennis was just in TV. To hold a proper tennis ball was a luxury. Little I knew that God was using those hard years to coach me to today be a tennis player for a good British county division and to be a tennis coach myself, never being coached before…
    Thank you so much for reminding me of my hard years and for the result of that today. I shall not give up, but keep on fighting and trying harder.
    And to God be the glory…

  9. Breon said,

    Did Rafa write/say this?
    And if not thanks a good job to whoever did.

    thank you
    God bless

  10. TOILE WEEKES said,

    thank you thank you thank you
    i know i can IN GOD. THANK alot…………..

  11. Kyle Thomas said,

    I love tennis and play in the club here in Nigeira about 3 times a week. I am a US citizen and work in Nigeria in the Medical Image Supply business, but most of all I am a christian , I would like to be a part of a organization like this, to play tennis, talk and be around other good christian. I have been to many major tennis tournaments and love the game and people around it. I want to commit my self more to God. I struggle with staying focus on being a christian and being a business man and being exposed to the worldly things that corrupt you.I would to mix the two things I love together and become a better christian. Im very open to being apart of your organization in anyway I can to help push the word of God andto help myself.

    • Enow said,

      hello sir, it is a great pleasure to write to you.
      how are you doing .Indeed you are a great man.we love you.we are residing in Cameroon.we teach lawn tennis in the SONARA and we need your help financially, spiritually and psychologically.
      we are christian Lawn tennis lovers.
      we do drama.cinema and music.
      Thank you.
      Elias Enow and Sam

      NB;237 74 17 42 18

  12. Rafa you are the best personality i have ever seen…u conquer the world on your abilities…..keep up the great work…..you are been my inspiration in my life….live strong RAFA….best of luck…!snatch the roland garros its yours…!

  13. Erna Le Yngson said,

    TO SCOTT: Thanks for this wonderful article! I’ve always admired this man, RAFA! With such tremendous talent and strength, it’s just so amazing how God has blessed him immensely! I’ve read some news before that he’s an agnostic.I’ve been praying since then that sometime, somehow, somebody should find a way to reach out to him and share the good news of God’s love for him and how God created him so special for His glory and honor. I feel you have great access not only to Rafa but other tennis players as well who have not known the the love of Christ yet. I now pray that God will use you as His perfect instrument in spreading the good news and sharing God’s love to His wonderful creation. Thank God I’ve stumbled over your site. Praise Him through tennis! More power to you through HIM!

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