February 2, 2010

Egyptian-Muslim Pleads for International Christian Tennis Association to Help!

Posted in Christian Discipleship, Christian Tennis Academy, Faith, International Christian Tennis Association, Love tagged , , , , , , , , , at 2:55 pm by Scott Paschal

ICTA Founder, Scott Paschal, and his wife, Mel, in St. Augustine, Florida.


It’s early…about 5am. I don’t really do early. This morning my “God alarm clock” woke me and led me to connect you to a couple of emails I received recently.

One is from an Egyptian-Muslim. The other is from a Hindu.

Not sure why God wants you guys to connect with these emails, but here they are.  I feel led to write to you about each one, as well.

Hopefully, my Hawaiian Kona coffee kicks in so you guys don’t have to call or email me more than usual about mistpelled wurds! 🙂

I pray God’s purpose in my life this morning will be accomplished….

Please, note that one particular link in this article will lead to shocking pictures and a powerful story of Muslim extremists burning Christians alive in Egypt.  I feel it’s important to add this link…to help you see the reality others may be facing around us.

And, if you would like,  please share a comment/prayer for Hassan to read and be inspired.  There is a comment posting section at the end of this article.

God bless!

Scott Paschal  (Coach Scotty) Read Bio

International Christian Tennis Association, President


Let’s begin with Hassan’s first email to me…

I’m an Egyptian -Muslim religion.  I am 28 years old and I have a lot of faith in Christ and I want to become a Christian.  I am right now in Kuwait, but I fear for myself of murder and injustice.  Please help urgent.

Hassan contacted me through International Christian Tennis Association’s online home, Christiantennis.net.

(Click here for pictures and articles to quickly gain a better understanding of situation in Egypt. Warning, very graphic.)

Hassan, please know…”He paid for you with the precious lifeblood of Christ, the sinless, spotless Lamb of God.”  1 Peter 1:19 (NLT)  “The Father gives me my people. Every one of them will come to me, and I will always accept them.” John 6:37 (NCV)

I would like to ask each Christian reading this to please pray for Hassan…that He discovers an eternal relationship with Jesus.  And, please post a prayer or a comment for Hassan, and others like him worldwide, in the comment section at the end of this article.

“May you have the power to understand as all God’s people should, how wide, how long, how tall, and how deep God’s love really is.” Ephesians 3:18 (NLT)

Hassan’s email really reached me…deep inside near where God planted the original vision/dream of global ministry through tennis.

I was Hassan’s age when I felt a need to begin a search for my purpose.  I felt a need to know the reason why I was created.  I, too, felt a need to know Jesus, but didn’t know what to do.

ICTA full time academy students, Ana & Mark. Have coached Mark for 3.5+ yrs and Ana for 3+ yrs. Ana Kharchenko plays tennis professionally now. Mark is transitioning from juniors to pro qualifiers/college this year. Proud of both for such incredible dedication and effort to develop into Champions for Christ and shine for Him through tennis in Godless countries worldwide...

Fourteen years later, I am blessed to see my purpose  to strive daily to connect people to a living God, and disciple them.

The journey to reach this point has been a difficult, yet amazing one.

Let me say that seeing and realizing my purpose doesn’t mean I am perfect, or better than you.

Like a tennis player who double faults, hits the ball out or into the net, swears under his breath, loses a match…I’ve made plenty of mistakes.

Having discovered my purpose in life simply means that I now understand the “game”, the situation for which I’ve been uniquely created.

After teaching all levels of tennis for nearly a quarter of a century, after coaching players from 21 nations and 15 USA states full time at my tennis academy, after studying the game from among the best tennis mentors in the world…I understand how to build world class junior and professional tennis players.

I understand players and I understand the game.  Combining the two creates a world class opportunity for success for those I choose to coach.

Yet, my purpose isn’t to teach tennis.  That was just an analogy, an example.

The “game” I’m talking about is actually a war…a spiritual war we all live in and are surrounded by every minute of every day. Some are aware of the battle, most are not.  Yet, all are in the war whether they see it or not…

It is a war for eternal souls. Heaven or Hell. Hassan accepting Christ and facing persecution on earth…or denying Christ and facing an eternity without Him.

The reason God uniquely created me was to connect people of different faiths worldwide with Him.  Tennis is simply a tool God has gifted me in.

Scott Paschal sharing Christian faith, Christian Bibles & books...in ICTA Outreach Booth at world's 5th largest pro tennis tournament, the 2009 Sony Ericsson Open in Florida. Over 300,000 people from 130+ countries attend...

Some people sing, and through song they share their faith.  Me, tennis is my song….

Hassan, like me and you, has a purpose through God.

Unlike me, Hassan lives in Egypt, and travels to Kuwait.

He is Muslim. And, because he wants to know about Jesus and become a follower of Jesus, he is concerned about his safety.  (Click here for pictures and articles to quickly gain a better understanding of situation in Egypt. Warning, very graphic.)

What about your situation? What is your religion/faith/belief?  When you die, will you spend eternity in Heaven…?

Hassan has a choice. He can choose to follow Christ…to make Jesus his personal Lord and Savior.  Or, not.  Like all of us, he can worship a false idol or he can surrender his life to Jesus.

I know men who were Muslim and are now Christian. Yet, these men live in the safety of America.  They are free to worship.  Would these men be able to live in Egypt with their families and still maintain their faith in the face of torture and death?  It’s a very real question.

John 3:16 in the Bible says, “For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, and whoever believes in this will never die, but will have eternal life in Heaven.”

That’s a bold statement.  It’s also an eternal one.

I will continue writing to Hassan and we work together to bring Him to an eternal relationship with Jesus. This morning, I would like to ask you to keep Hassan in your prayers.  He has much to consider and learn.

I’d also like you to dive deep inside of yourself.

Have you discovered your purpose for existing? If not, first ask yourself  if you truly have an eternal relationship with Jesus.

I’m firmly convinced that true happiness and a true understanding of love is not possible unless we are united with our Creator and are walking step for step in the unique path He designed for each of us

Imagine the global impact if Roger Federer had courage to stand up for Christ with the boldness & love of Jesus' original disciples, Michael Chang, Chris Tomlin, or Billy Graham! I fully believe my tennis academy will one day develop top 10 ATP & WTA players w the courage to SHINE!

Your purpose in life is waiting for you.  It is very real….

Will post a really special email from a Hindu man as soon as possible..probably in my next article.

Now, I have to do some office work…phone calls, emails, organizing…and coaching of my wonderful, Christian, international students who are here full time at my Florida based, high performance tennis academy program!

If you  feel God leading…please post a comment and/or prayer for Hassan….

God bless each of you!

Coach Scotty

Galations 2:20