October 23, 2008

Ashley Harkleroad Gets Naked in Playboy Magazine…

Posted in Christian Tennis Outreach, Christian Tennis Player, Cult Buster, Cults, Demon Possessed, IMG, International Christian Tennis Association, Julia Vakulenko, Rich Fanning, Scott Paschal Tennis, Serena Williams Nude, Sex Slave Trade, Sexual Abuse Tennis, Spooky Naked Guy Chronicles, Tim Heckler, Uncategorized, USPTA, WTA CEO Larry Scott tagged , , , , , , , , at 2:06 pm by Scott Paschal

Let me ask you something, and feel free to speak your mind.

The Next Generation of Leadership in Tennis

The Next Generation of Leadership in Tennis?

Actually, let me ask you a couple of things so you can really open up with your thoughts and opinions both for and against.

Please, don’t be shy.

First, do you have a complete understanding that the Bible says non-Christians, people without the Holy Spirit inside, can be inhabited by satanic beings?

If not, please read your Bible.

Second, do you have a complete understanding that the Bible instructs us that non-Christians can be in positions of influence?

If not, please read your Bible.

Let’s connect the dots for those of you whose idea of being a Christian is to bless your church with your presence on an occasional Sunday morning….

I was recently shown all of Ashley Harkleroad‘s nude Playboy pics.  Yep, I saw Ashley naked.  Just as tens of thousands of young junior tennis players have via the www, I saw Ashley Harkleroad exposing herself on a tennis court.  Her new Prince tennis racket shining proudly by her side.

And, I saw naked Ashley’s Christian fish tattoo on her front hip.  Yeah, that was pretty weird.  Just above her crotch on the right, basically the right inner hip area, is a symbol of the Christian faith.

Go figure.

Is this Christ-centered?  Yes or no?

Is this pic of Ashley Christ-centered? Yes or no?

Other pics have her in tennis skirts which are lifted to expose her private areas, and bending over, and doing some strange stuff near the tennis net… I kept seeing Prince tennis equipment and naked Ashley and a Christian fish.

And I wanted to know who serving Hell from Prince agreed to degrading women, and empowering child molester tennis coaches worldwide who use this satanic stuff to soften up young girls and boys, and mocking the Christian faith, and adding pressure to girls which can lead to eating disorders…

And I want to know who serving Hell from WTA agreed to this, and why was it allowed, and how can rules be implemented to stop it, and how can whoever agreed to it be held accountable.

And I see the satanic footprints all over it, and I’m concerned.

I know Ashley.  Yep, this ol’ Christian tennis coach knows Ashley Harkleroad.  I’m addressing the entire “why Ashley got naked in Playboy mess” in another article, but for now just know that she’s not just another top WTA player to me…

… I’ve been to her house in Georgia and hung out…  we’ve gone out to eat together, and I even know she makes some of the best cookies in the world as I’ve eaten them in her kitchen.

… I was there when she retired from tennis a few years ago, as she was broken and confused and ravaged by eating disorders.  And I believe I was used by God as a main catalyst to getting her back into pro tennis.

Ashley was a Christian.  She contacted me.  And God began working…

She began playing tennis soon after.  I was so happy!  For a couple of years she was doing awesome and I was all smiles and thrilled for her…

Now, though, I’m concerned.

She hooked up with a new coach, Chuck Adams.  He seems to have been the one pushing her towards accepting the Playboy offer.  They began living together…

She’s pregnant now.

Ash dumps her husband, Alex Bogomolov,  an ATP pro player who I also knew and thought the world of, begins shacking-up with Chuck Adams, exposes herself in Playboy magazine, ends up pregnant, and has walked away from pro tennis.

Who is Chuck Adams!?

I mean, nothing against him.  As far as I know, he may be an amazing guy and they may be an amazing couple.  Certainly, Ashley thinks highly of him.  But, why take one of tennis’ most beautiful and talented pro players and….

Ok, enough Ashley Harkleroad for now.  But know, I’m not mad at her.  I’m not judging her, either.  I’ve made stupid mistakes, too.  So have you.  Now, it’s her turn.

I still care about Ashley.  I just think she’s making some really idiotic decisions.  And these decisions are capable of hurting kids and causing them the same pain she went through.  And I think she is simply a product of a Godless tennis industry which uses anyone and everyone for its own gain.

Ashley, I still have you in my prayers.  And I haven’t gone public at anytime about what we have spoken about, nor do I plan to.  And I hope you stop the tail spin, forgive those who need forgiving, and focus on Jesus regardless of the actions and behaviors of other Christians in your life.

What I’m hoping this article accomplishes is to begin an awakening within parents of junior tennis players, within tennis coaches, within the employees of tennis equipment manufacturers, and within all recreational, junior, collegiate, and pro tennis players…

An awakening to help you see the satanic footprints of Godless people of influence in the global tennis industry.

Who at Prince approved Prince products mocking the Christian faith by having them placed so near Ashley’s naked body on a tennis court?  Who at Prince wants Prince’s name associated with empowering child molesters?  Who at Prince wants Ashley’s naked body sending unrealistic messages to little girls who trust Prince to have their health and best interest in mind?

What about WTA?  I realize Billy Jean King is the founder of WTA, and is one of the, if not THE, most famous and outspoken lesbians in the world.  I realize WTA seems to embrace an “anything goes” philosophy towards making their product profitable.  But, who serving Hell in WTA is in charge!?

And is it possible those serving Heaven can begin to stand up?

I’m sure I will be mocked and attacked quite heavily for writing this article and beginning discussions on this subject.  I fully expect my reputation to be slandered and my credibility to be bashed.  There will be very powerful people in positions of great importance in tennis who will begin working feverishly to shut me up.

Honestly, I don’t care.  I have come to embrace being bashed!  And some of my greatest lessons learned have come from abuses and slander heaped on me, particularly from child molester tennis coaches who become angry they are being exposed.

And International Christian Tennis Association has literally dozens of attorneys in our membership who will gladly defend me whenever needed, and who will gladly fight back when the situation presents itself.

That said, I believe it is time to stand up for morals and standards within the global tennis industry.

I’ve given you just one of hundreds of painful situations I could discuss.  What I’ve witnessed in the global tennis industry is truly Godless.  I fully believe if I could sit with you for even 15 minutes that you would be in tears of pain as you listened to what my brain has been forced to embrace as fact… such as the tennis sex slave trade, fatal drug addictions, horrifying effects of eating disorders….

So, what is you answer to my two questions?

Do you have a complete understanding that the Bible says non-Christians, people without the Holy Spirit inside, can be inhabited by satanic beings?

Do you have a complete understanding that the Bible instructs us that non-Christians can be in positions of influence?

Ashley, any thoughts?

God bless,

Coach Scotty

International Christian Tennis Association

additional info on dealing with situation…

April 28, 2008

How to Kick Satanic Tail 101: Scott Paschal’s Rediculously Raw Look @ What Should Be Obvious to Every Christian

Posted in Africa Tennis, Athletes in Action Tennis, ATP Tennis, Benin City Tennis, Christian Discipleship, christian tennis, Christian Tennis Academy, Christian Tennis Devotional Videos, Christian Tennis Outreach, Cult Buster, Demon Possessed, Faith, ICTA Tennis, ICTA Tennis Ministry, International Christian Tennis Association, International Tennis Ministry, Nigeria Tennis, scott paschal, Scott Paschal Tennis, Serena Williams, Serena Williams Nude, Sex Slave Trade, Sexual Abuse Tennis, Spooky Naked Guy Chronicles, Sports Ministry, Tennis Devotionals, Tennis Ministry, Tennis Missionary Training Class, Uncategorized, Venus Williams Pregnancy Scandal, WTA CEO Larry Scott, WTA Tennis tagged , , , , , , , , , , , at 11:59 am by Scott Paschal

As a teen, I had a few pretty straightforward questions…

“Why did my Christian parents divorce?”

“Why did my Christian dad commit suicide in my car during the weekend of my 17th birthday?”

“If God is so good, why is my dad dead?”

“Why do Christians talk about how great Heaven is… but no one wants to die!?”

“Why do Church kids treat me like crap?”

As my young life was being pounded, I asked these questions to people at my church.

(pic of me in Benin City, Nigeria w/ friends during ICTA Africa Outreach)

I quickly learned church people had no idea what to say. Mainly, they would give me blank, troubled, or dirty looks.

I was hurting and needed someone to step up to the plate and go to bat for me. I needed real, authentic answers.

Unfortunately, the people I spoke with had not been educated in spiritual warfare or the defense of Christianity in any substantial way, thus were at a loss to know how to guide me.

I was a lost, confused, hurting kid doing what he could to find answers… I didn’t turn to drugs, sex, alcohol… I turned to the church, and I was terribly let down.

I thought the church could help me uncover the answers, instead the church helped me uncover its own lack….

Can I say something raw here?

Do you, personally, have any idea why you are Christian?

I mean, do you have any real facts about Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection, or; are you simply a “believer” because your parents, friends, or pastor basically led you down that road without giving you the opportunity to question anything?

If that was the case, what if your parents had taught you to howl to a full moon and drink gopher blood to celebrate the birth of the Goomba god?  See my point here, right?

If you are a follower of Christ, thank God! I am so glad and thankful.

But, honestly, just being a “follower” isn’t enough, and it’s not getting the job of advancing His Kingdom done.  You’re in the middle of a spiritual war…

By knowing Jesus, you will understand the spiritual battle you are in, whether you currently see it or not.

And that is what this blog is all about… learning powerful aspects of how Jesus teaches us to advance His Kingdom on earth.

Most of you who know me have a clear understanding that I tend to wear my thoughts and emotions on my sleeve.

Much as it was easy to read Andre Agassi’s emotions as he played tennis, so it is with me in ministry….

In 20+ years as a tennis coach and nearly 10 years as the founder of a sports ministry, I’ve seen a lot of bad stuff, really bad stuff.

Basically, I’ve seen Satan running unchecked in tennis worldwide, and, as I began preaching and speaking to churches and groups, I’ve seen Satan masterfully taking control of the church as well.

That said, this fool, without a formal seminary education, or really any formal ministry schooling at all, is going Martin Luther on some satanic “Christian habits” which are trying to keep your eyes shut, ears closed, and hearts cold.

With the tenacity of Nadal, the raw honesty of Agassi, and the serve of Sampras, I hope to wake and shake up those people God places in my path. If you don’t like what I’m writing and teaching, honestly, I don’t care. I’m not doing this for your approval. And, honestly, you might be part of the problem….

The following is a summary of what I’m going to try to explain in How to Kick Satanic Tail 101. The full scoop will be laid out in its entirety over at ICTADevo2008 , when I’m finished writing The Spooky Naked Guy Chronicles.

For now, tell your friends that I’m beyond sick and tired of Christians who have no idea, first of all, of why they are even Christian; second of all, they aren’t being taught squat about how to not get blown to bits in the spiritual war; and thirdly, refuse to take their heads out of the trendy “Christian sand” in fear of offending someone heading straight to hell.

Below is the outline I’ve created to help get those interested in advancing His Kingdom and being successful in the Spiritual War better prepared to follow the Great Commission as written by Mathew in chapter 28.

How to Kick Satanic Tail 101:

The Nature of the War

Two Opposing Kingdoms

Satan’s Headquarters

Battle of Angels

The Weapons and the Battlefield

The Basis of Our Victory

Our Defensive Armour

The Full Armour of God

The Girdle of Truth

The Breastplate of Righteousness

The Shoes of the Preparation of the Gospel

The Shield of Faith

The Helmet of Salvation

The Sword of the Spirit

The Unprotected Area

Weapons of Attack

Taking the Offensive

The Weapon of Prayer

The Weapon of Praise

The Weapon of Preaching

The Weapon of Testimony

Preparing for the Battle

The Leader

The Passion

The Strategy and Tactics

The Plan

The Wounded

War Zone



Focus and Intensity


Injury & Death

MASH Units

Victory & Defeat

My hope is someone somewhere will benefit from my efforts to bring this outline to life.  The longer I’m in ministry, the more I see the vast need to equip Christians to understand spiritual warfare, or what I tend to call it… the Battle of the Great Commission.

God bless,

Scott Paschal

International Christian Tennis Association

April 2, 2008

The Spooky Naked Guy Chronicles

Posted in Christian Tennis Devotional Videos, Christian Tennis Outreach, Demon Possessed, Faith, ICTA Tennis, International Christian Tennis Association, Love, Scott Paschal Tennis, Spooky Naked Guy Chronicles, Tennis Devotionals, Tennis Ministry tagged , , , , , at 11:35 am by Scott Paschal

Just a note to let our ICTABlog family know things are happening and the party is rockin’ over at ICTADevo2008.

The Spooky Naked Guy Chronicles are in full swing! If you don’t know Spooky Naked Guy you are missing out! I know, I know… Spooky Naked Guy and “the party is rockin” might not sound too darn Christian, but it is and you’ll see what I mean when you cruise on in to ICTADevo2008!

ICTADevo2008 is an online hangout for people to enjoy Christian tennis devotionals… stories… videos, and it currently has approx 300 devoted readers after 3 months. Spooky Naked Guy, SNG, is based on a section of Luke 8, which has an incredible ability to impact my life and yours.

ICTADevo2008 readers have been clamoring for more Spooky Naked Guy Chronicles, so two more have just been introduced with a 3rd coming this week! What a blast to create these stories…

  • March 16, Spooky Naked Guy Answers Roll Call
  • April 1, Spooky Naked Guy Goes Hog Wild

ICTADevo2008 began the day after Christmas 2007. This online hideaway has gained a life of its own. People have contacted me telling of how SNG’s stories have applied directly to their life story, which, if you know me, you know gets me really, really excited and inspired.

One youth pastor mentioned he wants to make a stage play of the SNG Chronicles for his church when I’m finished writing the series! A mom said her son is making a storyboard of drawings w/ scriptures which follows Spooky Naked Guy on his journey!

And speaking of taking on a life of its own… let me give you some incredible numbers about ICTABlog….

Remember, in July 2007 we kicked off this new blog format. That month we averaged 1 visitor a day… probably my mom :).

The next month, August 2007, ICTABlog welcomed 446 visitors.

849 readers stopped by in November 2007. December 2007 brought 1547 visits!

And… (drum roll please)… March 2008 witnessed ICTABlog enjoying 2494 visits… approx 80 readers a day!

My original goal/hope was to gain maybe 200-300 visitors a month. Now, we get those numbers in 3-4 days and that simply blows my mind. God is growing awareness to important issues through International Christian Tennis Association.

Surf on over to visit Spooky Naked Guy! His story is amazing and awe inspiring and worth the price of admission…. which, as always, is free 🙂

God bless,

Scott Paschal

International Christian Tennis Association

March 20, 2008

Pain on the Journey to WTA Tennis Fame?

Posted in Africa Tennis, Athletes in Action Tennis, ATP Tennis, Benin City Tennis, Billy Graham, Christian Discipleship, Christian Tennis Mission Trips, Christian Tennis Player, Demon Possessed, Faith, Hope, ICTA Women's Christian Pro Tennis Team, International Christian Tennis Association, Junior Tennis, Leadership, melody snelen, Nigeria Tennis, scott paschal, Sex Slave Trade, Sexual Abuse Tennis, Tennis Devotionals, Tennis Ministry, Tennis Missionary, USPTA, USTA, WTA Tennis tagged , , , , , , at 11:12 pm by Scott Paschal

What do you personally do when you see someone being harmed illegally?

Let’s say you see someone totally defenseless being hurt… maybe a baby in a locked car with the windows up on a hot summer day..dscf3959.jpg. and the car’s engine is off. What would you do? Be honest.

(Anastasia Kharchenko (WTA) and “Lucy.” Harmed by tennis coaches. Both now have voice!)

Would you walk by and pretend you saw nothing? Would you call the police or emergency rescue for help? Would you bash in a window and allow the heat to escape? Be honest.

Most decent people would want to help.

But, what about those people who refuse to help. Sicker still, what about those people who receive some sort of enjoyment from seeing others hurt. And, what if the people who refuse to help or the people who gain enjoyment from the pain of others are in positions of power?

Unfortunately, this type of sickness is happening all over the global tennis industry. I know because over the last nearly decade I’ve compiled a list of graphic abuses forced on under age children in tennis by Satanists, homosexual and heterosexual pedophiles, famous tennis coaches, atheists, tennis academy owners, pro tennis players….

In tennis, there are people who are in difficult situations worldwide. You’ve often heard me speak up about under age kids being harmed.

You’ve heard my opinions and you’ve seen me back up my words with action. Change is happening in tennis… as you can plainly see from my last blog entry about how the WTA is now finally demanding criminal background checks on all WTA player coaches…

… which won’t even come close to fixing everything and isn’t nearly everything I wanted, but it is a start and does send a global message throughout women’s sports….

You’ve seen me screaming from the rooftops and soapboxes in places worldwide. Honestly, though, who gives a rip what I say. I’m obviously a nobody. I’m just one voice in millions of tennis voices. In no way am I THE authority on anything… nor is my opinion greater than yours.

The real question is, what does the Bible say?

What does the Bible teach us about those who are helpless. Has God given us any clues as to how He wants us to protect and preserve the rights of the abused.

Let’s take a look…

” The people who lived there were powerless; they were frightened and shunned. They were like grass in a field or weeds growing on a roof when the hot east wind blasts them.” Isaiah 37:27 (TEV)

nigeria-trip1-031.jpgHow do we recognize the face of a powerless person?

Again, let’s look to the Bible… and notice the guy from Cyrene…

“The soldiers led Jesus away, and as they were going, they met a man from Cyrene named Simon, who was coming into the city from the country. They seized him, put the cross on him, and made him carry it behind Jesus.” Luke 23:26 (TEV)

(Melody Snelen being cheered up by local Nigerian youth in Benin City after losing 2 hr match to eventual Finalist, Nowack. All here are faces of the abused. Melody now has voice!)

Back in Jesus’ day, people from Cyrene most likely had black skin, thus were basically considered less than equals to the locals. Notice the guards took Simon because they could see he was not local (of their status)!

1. The powerless are many times considered second class citizens

“… a man from Cyrene who was coming into the city from the country.”

2. The powerless many times have no one to protect them.

“… and they seized him…”

3. The powerless feel they are trapped and have no way of escape.

“…put the cross on him and made him carry it…”

Who are the powerless around us?

“Jesus said, ‘I was hungry and you fed me, I was thirsty and you gave me a drink, I was shivering and you gave me clothes, I was sick and you stopped to visit, I was in prison and you came to see me.’ ” Mathew 25: 35-36 (MSG)

1. Many children around the world… born and the unborn.

“But if you give these children a hard time, bullying or taking advantage of their simple trust, you’ll soon wish you hadn’t. You’d be better off dropped in the middle of a lake with a millstone around your neck.” Mathew 18:6 (MSG)

“Before I shaped you in the womb, I knew all about you. Before you saw the light of day, I had holy plans for you.” Jeremiah 1:5 (MSG)

2. Those discriminated against… by minority, race, social status.

“Don’t look down on me because of my skin color…” Song of Solomon 1:6 (TEV)

“You then, why do you judge your brother? Or why do you look down on your brother? For we will all stand before God’s judgment seat.” Romans 14:10 (NIV)

3. Those that are trapped due to illness, low income, or abandonment.nigeria-trip1-406.jpg

“Destruction is certain for those who issue unfair laws. They deprive the poor, the widows, and the orphans of justice. Yes, the rob widows and fatherless children!” Isaiah 10:1-2 (NLT)

(Rach and Mel w/ local physically handicapped Nigerians trying to stay alive in 3rd world conditions)

” ‘At that time I will put you on trial. I will speak against those who cheat employees of their wages, oppress widows and orphans, or who deprive the aliens living among you of justice, for these people do not fear me,’ says the Lord Almighty.” Malachi 3:5 (NLT)

Bringing hope to the powerless.

“God deliberately chose things the world considers foolish in order to shame those who think they are wise. And He chose those who are powerless to shame those who are powerful.” 1 Corinthians 1:27 (NLT)

1. Reaching out to the powerless with compassion.

“You insult your maker when you exploit the powerless; when you’re kind to the poor, you honor God.” Proverbs 14:31 (MSG)

nigeria-trip1-011.jpg“When I am with those who are oppressed, I share their oppression so that I might bring them to Christ.” 1 Corinthians 9:22 (NLT)

(Ana w/ Nigerian youth after winning qualifier match for the first of two ITF Pro tournaments she won in Benin City)

2. Speak out for the powerless with conviction.

“Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves; ensure justice for those who are perishing. Yes, speak up for the poor and helpless, and see that they get justice.” Proverbs 31:8-9 (NLT)

3. Standing up for the powerless with courage.

“Your job is to stand up for the powerless, and to prosecute all those who exploit them.” Psalms 82:4 (MSG)

Truth to stand on…

There is only one person who can truly set people free.

“You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for you and me.” Romans 5:6 (NIV)

The challenge: Will we be willing to respond to those God places before us?

God bless,

Scott Paschal

International Christian Tennis Association

March 8, 2008

ICTA Christian Junior Tennis Player, Anastasia Kharchenko, Wins First ITF Pro Circuit Title!

Posted in Africa Tennis, anastasia kharchenko, Benin City Tennis, christian tennis, Christian Tennis Academy, Christian Tennis Mission Trips, Christian Tennis Outreach, Christian Tennis Player, Christian Tennis Ukraine, Demon Possessed, Faith, ICTA Tennis Ministry, ICTA Women's Christian Pro Tennis Team, International Christian Tennis Association, Julia Vakulenko, Junior Tennis, melody snelen, Nigeria Tennis, rachel snelen, scott paschal, Scott Paschal Tennis, Tennis Ministry, WTA Tennis tagged , , , , , at 10:24 pm by Scott Paschal

dscf3903.jpgCongratulations to junior tennis player Anastasia Kharchenko who won her first ITF Pro Circuit Title while on an ICTA Outreach in Benin City, Nigeria!

Ana, a member of International Christian Tennis Association Women’s Pro Tennis Team, which is a special group of high performance tennis players dedicated to sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ, won the tournament without losing a set!

(Anastasia Kharchenko, 2nd from left, with team in Atlanta airport before flying to Lagos, Nigeria)

The team travels worldwide competing in ITF Pro Circuit tournaments. Each tournament they attend is a Christian outreach harvest field for them.

The road from when I first met Ana to our journeying to Nigeria with her team is a special one that leaves us all standing in awe of the miraculous provision of God.

About 1.5 years ago, an ICTA Women’s Pro Tennis Team journeyed to an international tournament in Mexico. There they met Anastasia Kharchenko, who they discovered had been forced to endure abuse from her tennis coaches.

nigeria-trip1-471.jpgI will never forget Rachel Snelen, team captain, calling and asking me if I would be willing to coach Ana.

(Ana and I flying to Lagos Nigeria)

When Rachel informed me Ana was from Ukraine, I nearly hung up the phone, as just a few months earlier I had been burned by Julia Vakulenko and had basically lost trust in Ukrainian players.

You remember Julia, right? She’s the WTA pro player who had quit tennis, sank into suicidal depression, and became bedridden. God used me to intervene in her potential suicide attempt on Christmas Eve 2005.

After the miraculous intervention, I brought Vakulenko to Florida and began rebuilding her on and off the court. I changed her tennis racket and strings to give her more control, taught her a topspindscf3924.jpg serve, and showed her the importance of hitting tight angles to pull her opponents off the court. Hours and hours we spent working on her ability to change the direction of the ball with power and confidence.

We focused on strengthening her legs and her stomach, and spent hour after hour on footwork drills. Vakulenko fell in love with dribbling a soccer ball and riding mountain bikes.

(Ana and I on a crazy shuttle bus ride in Lagos, Nigeria.)

I poured into Vakulenko’s tennis at no charge for weeks hoping to re-light her fire for life. Like all my students, she improved daily and loved what and how I taught her.

In addition, Julia had daily Bible studies with my other students, devotional time, and prayer time. We even traveled to an amazing Christian conference in Florida, and went to Georgia to listen to the testimony of a gifted Christian communicator.

Daily for the first 6 weeks, and I mean daily, Vakulenko told me how happy she was and how grateful she was to God for sending me into her life and giving her a new start. She wrote me beautiful notes and cards showing her appreciation.

While the first 6 weeks working with her were pretty good, the last 10-14 days were a living hell. I had confronted her on dscf3946.jpgwhat seemed to be prescription drug abuse. She started going ballistic.

(Melody Snelen and Ana exiting the airplane in Benin City, Nigeria)

Additionally, I confronted her to quit trying to recruit my students to either travel with her on the WTA tour or be coached by her mother in Barcelona. Which, according to my students, she had been secretly doing behind my back. I was beyond disappointed.

She also had set her sights on having Marek Czerwinski as her boyfriend and travel partner. Marek was a full time student of mine and had recently held the #1 ranking in B18 USTA. She claimed she could help him be a top ATP player and could give him the confidence he needed, if he only traveled with her.

I told Marek he needed to travel with several guys his age and ability level to about 35 ITF Pro Circuit tournaments a year for a few years, not shack up with her as the newest boy toy in her life! I told Julia to back off from the 18 year old boy!

Again, she went totally ballistic. (Needless to say after Marek shacked up with Vakulenko his pro career was a huge failure… he won just 5 matches in 2 years. Not too good for a guy whose main goal professionally was to beat Federer.)


(Ana and “Lucy”, an ICTA Pro Team member who had formerly been suicidal but is now excelling in her joy for life. “Lucy” is wearing her DNO tshirt she is very proud to own)

I decided to not coach Julia full time on the WTA tour. My last week with Julia was spent incurring her wrath. Even so, I stayed true to my initial commitment and flew her to Las Vegas to compete in the Tennis Channel Open, where she officially began her comeback after suicidal depression, while ICTA hosted a large-scale outreach to 50,000+ tennis fans.

In Vegas after her first-round match, Julia apologized for her actions and gave me a big, thankful hug. For 10 minutes while standing next to the tennis court she cried, hugged me, and apologized for her actions the past couple weeks. I, of course, was glad. We then spent the day together, and part of the next.

But, the apology was short lived as she quickly ran back to the people who seemed to have abused her, some of the ones she claimed had helped drive her towards depression, and she began bashing me atnigeria-trip1-011.jpg every opportunity… most likely because of the conviction she felt while shacking up with Marek, who had bought into her manipulation hook, line, and sinker.

(Anastasia Kharchenko with “Ana’s kids,” a group of Nigerian youth who watched her first match and received Christian gifts from ICTA)

Before coming to train with me full time, Julia Vakulenko had an average WTA ranking of just 161 over a six year period.

After my training her full time, the following two years saw her average ranking improve to 76 WTA with her highest ranking being 31 WTA.

From what I understand Julia also earned prize money of approx $500,000 during those 2 years, more than doubling her total from the six previousnigeria-trip1-191.jpg years. She also defeated 3 top 10 WTA players, and made the 4th round of the US OPEN, her best Grand Slam showing ever.

(Rachel Snelen, Melody Snelen, and Anstasia Kharchenko with local Nigerians)

The statistics are there for anyone to view. There is a very clear line of distinction between her tennis ability before meeting and working with me, and her accomplishments after.

There is also a clear line between Vakulenko the first 5-6 weeks before I confronted her on issues, and the two weeks following the confrontation.

dscf3975.jpg(Anastasia before a match posing with local Nigerian painter at Nigeria’s National Tennis center)

Personally, I have few thoughts for or against Vakulenko for my time with her. The past is the past. I hope she has matured and faced her demons head on.

I also am not writing to pat myself on the back. I do not want or need new students and am not even slightly trying to use my success with rebuilding Vakulenko to make money.

I have coached other players who can beat players like Vakulenko 6-0, 6-0. Most ATP players ranked in the 1000s could beat her 0,0. And guys ranked in the 1000s are generally just solid juniors or college level players. That said, rebuilding Vakulenko is nothing for me to brag about at all.

dscf4284.jpg(Ana and Melody Snelen talking before Ana’s Final match)

Yet, though the past is the past and I have moved on long ago, I have recently discovered significant proof which seems to show Vakulenko has attempted to harm Ana’s blossoming pro tennis career.

Yes, Ana. A girl who has never even met Vakulenko. A girl who has dedicated her life to Christ and to helping others. A young person trying to make something of herself in a tough world.

The proof which has been brought to me has me thoroughly disappointed with Julia Vakulenko.

Yet, before I share more publicly, I want to make sure what I have been shown is 100% true, though given the sources I have no reason to doubt its authenticity. And if this information is proven false or even only 99% true, I’ll be more than happy to report that as well.

nigeria-trip1-370.jpgI could film a 10 hour documentary on the ridiculous Vakulenko soap-opera I’ve endured, but suffice to say you now have a better understanding of why I had no interest in training a Ukranian.

(Me looking on as Ana is winning her first ITF Pro Circuit title!)

As you can see, when Rachel called to inform me of Anastasia’s situation and told me she was a Ukrainian, I was less than thrilled. But, Rachel made a good argument and helped me get past my issues to see Ana’s desperate need.

dscf4294.jpgThank God!

(Ana hitting inside-out forehand during Final)

Ana quickly flew to Florida and escaped her abusive situation. It was a pretty funny scene as we both stared at each other in the Daytona airport. I didn’t trust Ukranians and she didn’t know who the heck I was!

Weeks later, Anastasia became a Christian and I became her legal guardian. And now she is my “adopted daughter!”

Anastasia’s story brings to mind Luke 15:4-7

4. What man of you, having a hundred sheep, and having lost one of them, doth not leave the ninety and nine in the wilderness, and go after that which is lost, until he find it? 5. And when he hath found it, he layeth it on his shoulders, rejoicing.nigeria-trip1-398.jpg

6. And when he cometh home, he calleth together his friends and his neighbors, saying unto them, Rejoice with me, for I have found my sheep which was lost. 7. I say unto you, that even so there shall be joy in heaven over one sinner that repenteth, (more) than over ninety and nine righteous persons, who need no repentance.

Ana has worked hard from the first day she trained with me. She is relentless in her ability to push her body as far as it will go. Her athletic genes she received from her father, who was a Ukrainian track star, have helped her tremendously.

Yet, what impressed me more about Anastasia is her hunger to improve in all areas of her life. Once she became a believer in Christ, Ana began reading everynigeria-trip1-410.jpg book she could on the Christian faith.

(Ana shaking hand with Nowak after easily defeating her 6-3, 6-1 in the Final. Ana didn’t drop a set the entire tournament)

This is especially impressive when you consider she had never read a book in English before!

Ana thoroughly enjoyed attending church, studying her Bible, and attending Christian conferences and concerts. Like a sponge she soaked it all in.

After much work improving upon Ana’s strengths in tennis, rebuilding her weaknesses, and defining her style of play, Ana hit the junior circuit in Florida… and went undefeated.

nigeria-trip1-415.jpg(Even though she easily won the Final, several aspects of her game needed to improve before the next tournament, so we went right to work after she shook the chair umpire’s hand.)

Anyone watching Anastasia compete understands she has the potential to become a professional tennis player. Yet, there is a great distance between juniors and pros.

Even a junior as talented as Ana, who clearly is equal to any top 10 ITF ranked junior, is currently only at a level to be competitive with players ranked 250 WTA and below.

Study top 100 ranked WTA players and you quickly realize the “overnight sensations” often took between 4 and 7 years competing on the ITF pro circuits to gain a high enough ranking to compete at WTA tour level events.nigeria-trip1-426.jpg

For Ana, this is year number two in her development.

(Ana speaking with the media after winning the first tournament. She spent most of her interview talking about Jesus. The entire interview was aired on Nigerian TV)

Currently, Ana is not thinking about competing in WTA level tournaments. She knows her upcoming new WTA ranking of approximately 725 is good, but nothing spectacular and that she has a lot of improving to do on her game.

nigeria-trip1-419.jpgShe is enjoying training and traveling with her friends on the ICTA Women’s Pro Tennis Team. Ana is a Christian missionary spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ to those she meets.

(After each match, Ana jogged 2 to 3 laps with a local youth before stretching)

While tennis is important to her, she knows God may have other plans for her life.dscf4307.jpg

To say I was extremely glad for Anastasia as she won her first ITF Pro Circuit title would be an understatement.

(Rachel Snelen and Ana going back to hotel after Ana’s tournament victory)

She has worked hard and completely deserves to win. No one anywhere has worked harder.

Anastasia Kharchenko has beaten the odds and has earned a rare WTA ranking. Along the way God has been working in her life and teaching her life is about helping others, not herself.

nigeria-trip1-154.jpgCongratulations Ana!

You’ve done a great job on and off the tennis court.

(Local Nigerian woman we passed while driving to hotel helped to keep things in perspective)

You know God has blessed you with an ability to use your life for His will to be done.

The willingness you have to appreciate God’s blessings and use them to share His name to others is an inspiration.

Most people reading this article have little knowledge of the abusive damage done to players by the tennis system as they attempt to rise to the top of the pro rankings.nigeria-trip1-339.jpg

Julia Vakulenko and Anastasia Kharchenko are prime examples of great kids who have been battered by dysfunctional, criminal tennis coaches in a truly Godless international tennis industry.

(Ana and I sitting together developing friendships with locals during Rachel Snelen’s doubles match)

As a person who works full time in tennis as a missionary and ministry founder, I can assure you demonic spiritual warfare is alive in tennis and working to destroy as much as possible.

Honestly, I don’t blame someone like Vakulenko for being who she is. She can’t help it. The tennis system has used and abused players for a long time. Top players often have no idea how to be kind and giving, functional, Christ-like.

But, I do hold players like Vakulenko accountable for their pathetic actions. Such players cannot continue to be the moral compass of professional tennis and the example for youth to follow.

The only compass in tennis must be Jesus Christ. Not me, not you, not Ana or Julia… Jesus Christ crucified and nothing else.

nigeria-trip1-441.jpg(Me reading and giving away Gospel tracts to local youth)

Organizations, such as the International Christian Tennis Association, must be willing to take on the tough tasks of developing top players and giving them the opportunity to travel worldwide in the name of Christ.

Tennis players can be developed as Christian missionaries. Junior, pro, and college tournaments can be developed as a gathering place to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Tennis industry companies, such as racket and string manufacturers, can be developed based solely on Christian principles.

pacificlife2007day30212.jpgTennis academies can be developed to add Christian values to the lives of those attending.

People in tennis worldwide are among the wealthiest and most influential in the world…

…reach them and you can win nations for Christ.

God bless,

Coach Scotty

January 27, 2008

How To Become a Christian…

Posted in Bahamas Tennis, christian tennis, Christian Tennis Camps, Christian Tennis Devotional Videos, Christian Tennis Mission Trips, Christian Tennis Outreach, Christian Tennis Player, christian tennis sport psychology, Coaching Articles, Cult Buster, Cults, Demon Possessed, Faith, Hope, ICTA Tennis, ICTA Tennis Ministry, International Christian Tennis Association, International Tennis Ministry, scott paschal, Scott Paschal Tennis, Tennis Ministry, Uncategorized, USPTA, USTA, WTA Tennis tagged , , , at 11:40 am by Scott Paschal

When Denise Met Jesus

by Scott Paschal, ICTA Founder

Wow, I really don’t know where to begin.

I’m so excited as I type this!

A native Bahamian lady approached me on the beach to sell me a t-shirt… and she left a Christian.

How wonderful to be used by God; to have Him work through me at such a random time to bring her to a new life in Christ.

I have the best feeling in the world inside of me. I even gave her my favorite Bible. Awesome!

If you have a couple of minutes, grab a coke or something and get comfortable.

I’ll back up a bit and explain how all this happened…

A few weeks ago, I was invited by John Ippolitto, my friend and the owner of Sports Group International, to assist in running a top I.C. U16 junior team tournament being held at an “All Inclusive” top of the line resort in the Bahamas. Team USA, Team Canada, Team Bahamas, and Team Mexico played their hearts out in this action packed adventure in team competition.

As I was given a week free for myself and a couple of guests at this amazing vacation destination resort, I invited two of my fulltime Christian tennis academy students, Marek Czerwinski and Joe.  Marek is #1 B18 USTA.  

Since we were going to be there for a week and would have plenty of down time after matches, ICTA decided turn this into a mission trip to reach the locals in Nassau.

Marek Czerwinski and Joe Beck, two of my academy students, came with me. Though Joe could only stay a few days due to prior commitments. Marek hit with the teams, and Joe assisted me in my daily responsibilities.

One day, while I was sitting on the beautiful beach writing an article, a native lady approached. As she asked me if I would like to buy a t-shirt, I felt compelled to share my faith. I politely declined to make a purchase, then I looked directly at her and told her I needed to ask her a very serious question. She stopped and waited.

I then asked her if she was a Christian, if she had a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. She said no, but that lately she had been attending church and reading the New Testament Bible.

I asked her if she believed in God. She said yes. Since she believed in God, I asked her if she believed the Old Testament was true. She said yes, and then she sat down on the white beach sand next to my chair. I seemed to have caught her interest. The weather was beautiful. Sunny, 80 degrees, light wind coming in from a crystal clear blue ocean. Her name was Denise and she was wearing a red hat and a red shirt. Denise carried a pleasant smile and a caring, patient attitude.

As Denise believed in the validity Old Testament, I then explained to her how the Old Testament was filled with prophesies of the coming Messiah. I decided to follow in Paul’s footsteps to help open Denise’s eyes…

I asked Denise if she chose the city where she was born? She smiled and said no. I asked her if , before she was born, she chose her family? She smiled again and said no. I asked her if it would be a miracle if, before they were born, someone could choose the city in which they would be born ,and also choose the family where they would come from? She said yes and laughed!

I then told Denise that God used his prophets to announce where the Messiah would be born, the exact city, in fact, and which family line He would come from. She nodded quietly. I then told her that I have located not just one or two, but 425 “Old Testament” prophesies which have come true in the life of Christ!

We slowly went through about a dozen of them. Denise’s eyes watered up under her dark sunglasses. I went on to further explain that the odds of just 48 prophesies coming true in the life of one man isn’t just 1 in 10 or even 1 in 100. The odds of just 48 prophesies coming true in the life of one man is 1 in 10 to the 157 power.

She couldn’t comprehend that so I explained…

“Imagine red poker chips side by side covering every inch of this beach. Then, covering every inch of this island. Now visualize every inch of land in America, Russia, and China covered with these red poker chips. Now picture all the land in the entire world blanketed with red poker chips laying side by side. Every bit of land everywhere on earth is covered with red poker chips.” She pictured this and smiled curiously.

“Now,” I resumed, “on the back of one of these red chips is a fat, white stripe. This uniquely marked poker chip has been placed somewhere in the world with the white stripe down. And there is only on chip like it!”

Denise nodded.

“Now Denise, I’m going to give you just one chance to find that marked poker chip. You get just one chance. You can go anywhere in the world to try to find this poker chip, but remember, you only get one chance and you can only choose one chip.”

Denise smiled and said she could never find he poker chip with the white stripe. She said it would be impossible to find it with one try on his beach, much less the whole world!

I laughed and said, ” Well Denise, those are the same odds of someone’s life fulfilling just 48 prophesies! The life of Christ fulfilled over 400!” After I said this I looked around and noticed a small crowd gathering in the chairs around us. They were politely listening.

Denise became very quiet. Her eyes were fixed on mine. She wiped away a tear.

I then asked her if maybe God was trying to reach her today? She said yes. As she believed in God I decided to go a step further. Like Paul, I had established the legitimacy of Christ as the Messiah by his fulfillment of the prophesies.

Now, like Jesus, I wanted to use God’s laws to open Denise’s heart to understanding the need for Christ. This way of ministry I learned from a terrific preacher named Ray Comfort.

I asked Denise if she feels she is a good person. She said yes. I asked her if I could ask her a few questions so we could see if this was true. She agreed.

I asked Denise if she had ever told a lie, no matter how small or how long ago. She said yes. I said me, too. I asked her what that makes her? She said a liar. I asked her if she had ever stolen anything? She said yes. I asked her what does that make her? She said a thief.

I asked Denise if she had ever used God’s name as a cuss word. She said yes. I told her that was blasphemy and it was very serious. Lastly, I explained to Denise that the 7th Commandment of God is to not commit adultery, but Jesus took this a step further and said that if we even look with lust we have committed adultery in our hearts. I asked Denise if she had ever looked with lust, even just once. She said yes.

I told Denise that by her own admission she was a lying, thieving, blasphemous, adulterer at heart.

I asked Denise that when she stands before God on her judgment day, would she be found innocent or guilty. She quietly said guilty, as tears streamed down her face onto the fluffy, beach sand. I asked her if she would go to heaven or hell.

She whispered, “Hell.”

Her eyes never moved from mine. I said, “Denise, do you really want to go to hell?” She said no.

I asked her if she knew what to do to be able to go to heaven. She said no. I then explained how Jesus paid the fine for her sins… breaking the ten commandments. That through the death and resurrection of Jesus, her sins could be forgiven.

I asked Denise if she would like to accept Jesus as her Lord and Savior. She said yes. I asked her to pray. I told Denise she must turn from her sin life, believe Jesus is the Son of God, that He died on the cross to pay the fine for our sins, and He was brought back to life the 3rd day.

This she prayed as she wept.

I asked Denise if she had a Bible. By now a crowd of people had gathered in the chairs around us, most out of curiosity. All were quiet and respectful. Denise said she did have a Bible and she pulled a tiny new testament Bible from her waist pack. It was well worn and about the size of a deck of cards. She stared at her Bible. I told her she needed to read her Bible daily and do what it says.

In my Prince shoulder bag I had bought with me to the beach, I had all my stuff… pencils, paper, books, sunscreen. I also had my favorite Bible. One of my ministry buddies in Alabama owned a Bible I really liked. In fact, I had liked it for a long time and one day I asked him about it. He said he loved it.

It had a soft, squishy, tan leather cover and was a good size to hold easily. His wife sent one to me a week or so later! I was thrilled and I carried this Bible with me everywhere. One day, when I am able to preach, I looked forward to carrying this Bible with me.

Well, I knew my favorite Bible was in my Prince bag as Denise looked at her worn Bible. I reached into my bag and told her I would like her to have my Bible. Though I kind of didn’t want to lose my Bible, I felt God was asking me to give it to Denise. She took it quietly and nodded.

She held it closely against her chest, then she placed it against her face. I saw the leather soak in a tear. I looked around and noticed others had tears in their eyes. At least 30 people had gathered around us. I hadn’t noticed so many. When she first came over it was just me and Denise.

What a wonderful moment in my life. To be used by God in such an unexpected time.

As you read this, please know I am not trying to bring attention to myself. I am not trying to brag or say, “Look at me.” Maybe a few years ago when I was less mature as a Christian, I would have done something stupid like that, but I’ve grown a lot since and I’m working hard to not try to be the center of attention, which, as the baby of the family and a tennis pro, takes some work.

I’m writing about this because I am so excited to see God work at such a random time. And I’m excited because I didn’t shy away from following through on His call.

I am so excited because this doesn’t happen to me very often.

The majority of my time is spent on a tennis court with my students or behind a computer screen building and maintaining what the International Sports Coalition on MSNBC has called “One of the top 100 sports ministries in the world.”

I work 90+ hours a week and seldom have the opportunity to evangelize in person. I coach tennis, I cook for hungry teens, I develop large scale mission trips which reach thousands, I buy and distribute 1000’s of Christian books and Bibles, I train and disciple missionaries… I do many things such as these as I feel I am called to be the support system to help my students evangelize.

Though I love to evangelize and know one day I will be a fulltime preacher, in this season of my life I am called to disciple others and raise the funds to send them into the world to follow the Great Commission.

So as “Mr. Computer” or “Coach Scotty” I seldom am able to have such an awe inspiring opportunity to reach someone for Christ one on one and at such a random time!

On this mission trip to the Bahamas, God opened many doors for ICTA. In fact, Marek and I are still in awe with what happened each day. Both of us watched God work in and through our lives daily to show us He is real and that He is faithful.

I was just sitting on the beach reading my new book by the Newsboys called Shine: Make them wonder what you’ve got; and writing an article for an upcoming newsletter. The weather was perfect, the water crystal clear, the sun was shining., the food at the resort was great… it all seemed so neat. Yet, as nice as it was…

it became so much nicer when Denise met Jesus.

God bless,

Coach Scotty

Editor’s Note: This article was originally written and published in January 2006.

January 19, 2008

Serena Williams’ Nude Blunder

Posted in Christian Tennis Outreach, Demon Possessed, ICTA, ICTA Tennis, IMG, scott paschal, Serena Williams, Serena Williams Nude, Sex Slave Trade, Tennis Gambling, Tennis Week, Tennis Week Magazine, USPTA, USTA, WTA Tennis tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , at 8:16 pm by Scott Paschal

Quick Update:

In just the last 7 days, the International Christian Tennis Association name has received over 1,180,000 track-able internet views worldwide.

Get your free 2008 ICTA Membership! click here You can be an important part of a successful organization which is reshaping tennis worldwide.womens-pro-team-blog-lg.jpg

Worldwide Travel Opportunity:

ICTA has pro tennis player travel teams spreading the Gospel worldwide! Join one or support one, today!

2008 Christian Tennis Devotionals


Editor’s Note: Comments are being accepted at the end of this article.

Serena Williams’ Nude Blunder

Honestly, it was pretty weird.

Serena Williams… right in front of me… nude. I have the picture etched into my mind. There she was wearing nothing but shiny, high heeled shoes with a silver tint.

When I saw her I froze, not knowing what to say or do.

Serena Williams, the one fighting for women’s rights?, the one thanking God after big wins at Slams?, the one working for racial equality?… exposing herself in front of so many people.

She looked like a stripper at an all nude bar.

In Serena’s left hand she was holding what looked like two white carnations. She was holding them in a way to attempt to cover a certain private area from behind.

We all froze.

pacificlife2007day30212.jpgThe whole thing was completely freaking me out.

Serena Williams… the Serena Williams… the hero of so many… what was happening!?

And what will be the repercussions…? She has to know photos of her like these will cover the globe…. What will be the ripple effects?

You see, sexual abuse in junior tennis runs rampant worldwide.

As many of you know, I have dealt with both homosexual and heterosexual pedophiles posing as tennis pros and Christian leaders.

A conservative estimate is that over 50% of all female students I have coached during my 22+ year career have told me (or their parents have told me) they had been sexually abused at some point.

Now, forcing her poor decision into my mind was one of the top 5 most famous female athletes in the world stripping… and she knew the world would discover… she knew it, she planned it, and it seems she didn’t give a rip about anything but her pocketbook.

And she gave ammo to predators who use porn to “soften up” the children they victimize. They will tell little girls and boys… “Look, Serena does it… why don’t you? Serena thinks it is ok to fondle her breasts in front of others… don’t you want to be like such a famous person…?”

From Fiji to Ukraine to California to Florida, like they did to become Catholic priests, it seems pedophiles line up to become tennis pros.

Did you know that I can’t locate even one tennis teacher certification organization which runs any type of background check on current or potential tennis pros!?

Pedophiles know this. They pay about $250 for membership to a tennis pro organization, take a basic tennis pro certification test that most 2.5 NTRP players with basic tennis knowledge could pass, and are “officially” certified and professional in the eyes of the general public.

So, after the molestation, after the rapes, after the sexual abuse of tennis pros towards 9 year old girls, after homosexual pedophiles rape young boys and get them hooked on porn and drugs, after families are ripped apart, after young lives are forever shredded…

pacific-life-2007-day-2-016.jpg… I get the phone calls and emails asking for help. I talk to the raped kids. I hug the Dads as they shake while crying uncontrollably. And I have to explain God’s role in all of this….

Gene Scott founded Tennis Week Magazine. Gene was arguable among the most influential people in tennis.

The first day I met Gene was when he came to my ministry’s booth at the world’s 5th largest pro tournament. He had stood watching us for about 20 minutes as we talked with lots of people. I knew he was really curious about us and was listening to every word.

Then, he and his two friends came up to our table and asked to sign up as members of the International Christian Tennis Association. He signed up his whole family.

Gene then spent the next two years opening doors for ICTA.

I came to know Gene as honest, direct, experienced, and kind hearted. I also came to know his magazine as a class act.

037_37.jpgAbout 2 years after meeting Gene, I was with him in the Bahamas to help with one of his junior tournaments. He was sick. He was worried. Something that no one could diagnose was wrong with his body, and Gene was scared.

Anyone who knew Gene will tell you Gene doesn’t get scared.

We talked both privately, and with my friend John Ippolitto, about tennis and about faith. Just 3 guys late at night at a resort in the Caribbean spending God-appointed time together.

Gene wrote me shortly after he returned to New York. His email was, as usual, short and to the point. He told me he had found his faith!

Suddenly, about 8 weeks later, Gene died. I was told this during the same tournament where I had met him. Honestly, I was really saddened. Even though I was so glad he would spend eternity in heaven, I hurt.

My friend, David Nasser, told me something I have never forgotten. He said maybe God led Gene to our Christian outreach booth as Gene’s body was beginning its end, and that the friendship Gene and I developed ultimately led to my being able to witness to Gene in the Bahamas.

What does Serena Williams posing nude, sexual abuse in tennis, and Gene Scott all being mentioned together have to do with anything?

pacific-life-2007-day-2-001.jpgBecause, when Gene died, his wife, Polly, sold Tennis Week Magazine to IMG.

What was once a tennis insider’s magazine to pro events owned by a truly great man, now has pornography.

You see, in the US OPEN edition of the “new” Tennis Week magazine, Serena Williams is on page 19… totally nude. For all kids ages 2 to 20 and beyond, Serena is stripping for the masses…

Right below Serena’s ridiculous picture and on the same page is an article about one of Gene’s best friends, Bud Collins. And on the same page right next to Serena’s nude, stripper pose is a 1/2 page advertisement for Saddlebrook Tennis Academy.

The whole scene was disturbing.

In her defense, maybe Serena is just clueless. Maybe she is so out of touch with the reality of sexual slavery worldwide she has no idea the aftermath of abuse other children could endure because of her forcing her naked body into the minds of others.

Sexual abuse is sexual slavery and the Serena I’ve known in the past wouldn’t stand for supporting such horrific abuse towards young children. Why she has seemingly changed so drastically, I have no idea.

With her nude photos, Serena is basically telling girls it is ok to expose yourself publicly, she is telling boys it is ok to ask pacific-life-2007-day-2-035.jpggirls to do the same, she is degrading women’s rights, and she is helping Muslims worldwide justify their view of America as the great Satan.

It seems to happen all the time… a great American kid becomes famous.

Soon after, as they hit their early 20’s they start losing their clothes to become more famous while abandoning their roots which got them their successful start.

Anna Nicole Smith and Britney Spears come to mind…

Before I wrap this up, several other pictures of Serena have been brought to my attention. A quick internet search confirmed they are of Serena.

One is of her in a red dress which is completely see-through in the chest area leaving the viewer no doubt and needing no imagination as to what her breasts look like. Another is an exposed crotch shot, think a stoned Brittiny Spears partying with Paris Hilton, of her getting out of a car while wearing what looks like the same dress.

She is wearing this dress at a place where literally dozens of photographers are taking pictures at a celebrity event.

Like I said earlier, it’s just weird.

As a tennis insider with literally hundreds of contacts within the industry, I am working tirelessly to defend the rights of children from sexual predators posing as tennis pros.

To help me, the tennis industry could stop exploiting women as sex. Didn’t the WTA learn anything from Hantuchova? Can Tennis Week realize pornography can harm youth? Can’t the USTA stop endorsing organizations promoting the porn which can lead female junior players worldwide into sexual slavery from pedophile tennis pros.

Possibly you could take a few minutes and write to me about your thoughts about Serena, Tennis Week, IMG, WTA, and the USTA or just tennis in general.

baltimore-75k-mission-trip-003.jpgThere are people within these organizations who are members of the International Christian Tennis Association.

They have influence and they want to do the right thing for all concerned.

If you let me know your thoughts, we can contact each organization and represent the over 85% of America which is Christian.

Your voice matters. As a collective, your voice is powerful.

Even more than your voice, your prayers are needed.

With tennis gambling, sexual abuse, steroids & drugs, physical abuse, the fact that possibly 80% of tennis players worldwide are not Christian, alcohol abuse… with tennis being the sport of the rich, thus the sport of many, many lost people who worship their careers, bank accounts, and credit lines… tennis is a dark place in need of light.

Tennis, the millions of people who comprise the sport, needs help.

The harvest field of tennis needs workers.

Pro players need your prayers, coaches need your prayers, my ministry needs your prayers, our missionaries need your prayers, tennis fans and players from Iraq, Syria, Ukraine, France, Czech, leadership-conference-miami-067.jpgVenezuela, etc need your prayers.

Serena Williams needs your prayers.

Finally, I totally expect some type of backlash for exposing this situation.

Many people and organizations prey on kids, especially sexually, and I expect a few of them will want to try to shut me up!!

I know some pedophile or child abuser somewhere will hide behind his computer monitor and use his keyboard to bash me in a defamatory article, or someone will contact a major pro tournament trying to manipulate them into not allowing me to lease a booth, or my friends and family will receive emails bashing me as a cult leader or something.

Yet, who cares!? Anyone who knows me knows I don’t give a rip what a child predator thinks about me! They can write anything they want from the jail cell I help put them in!

Not only is my ministry well armed with attorney ICTA members who will help protect me from defamatory and libelous statements, but I also really don’t care if some moron bashes me.

As long as it’s a legal bashing, which as being legal I would call it criticism instead of bashing, I’m good to go!!

Some of the best lessons I’ve learned in ministry have come from people criticizing me!

Actually, criticism is awesome! Plus, criticism motivates me to work even harder.

rach-160.jpgSo, I know by now many of you are asking how you can help!?

First, pray. Next, get your free 2008 ICTA membership and make your voice count. Then, connect your friends with ICTA.

I’ll even make you a deal… for every 30 people you get to become ICTA members in Jan or Feb, I’ll give you an official ICTA Tshirt for FREE. And I’ll even pay the shipping to most countries, no problem!

God bless,

Scott Paschal

International Christian Tennis Association, President

Ultimate Impact Tennis Academy, Owner

January 15, 2008

Scott Paschal Confronts Suicide in Tennis

Posted in christian tennis, Christian Tennis Academy, Christian Tennis Mission Trips, Christian Tennis Outreach, Christian Tennis Player, Cult Buster, Demon Possessed, Hope, ICTA Tennis, ICTA Tennis Ministry, International Christian Tennis Association, Junior Tennis, Leadership, scott paschal, Scott Paschal Tennis, Spain Tennis, Teamwork, Tennis Devotionals, Tennis Ministry tagged , , , , , at 10:10 pm by Scott Paschal


“If I had the kind of influence you gain by winning a Grand Slam, you’d see me sharing my Christian faith on every tennis TV show, tennis magazine, newspaper and at major tennis events worldwide… kind of like what Billy Jean King does as she promotes homosexuality, but with Jesus as the main focus instead of sex. What are people in tennis doing to truly support youth?” Scott Paschal



Few things hurt more than seeing young lives tragically end.

What I’m about to write will be considered shocking and controversial within the political correctness which is today’s tennis world.

Suicide fills the minds of today’s teens. 1 in 12 teens attempt suicide each year. You don’t want to know how many suicidal tennis players I’ve known, or how much I’ve had to do to keep these kids alive.

From junior tournaments to college tournaments and even to the 2008 Australian Open main draw, players are alive today and able to compete because of God working through my willingness to help young people who found death as their only answer.

I’m not saying this to pat myself on the back. I’m trying to point out that just about everywhere you look kids, and adults, have bought into the satanic lie that death is the answer to their problems. And I want you to know that one person with a willing heart can make a big, positive difference.

Teens today hurt. They hurt more than ever. Armed with laptop computers, cell phones, IPODS, video games, instant messaging, Facebook & MySpace, and high speed internet access 24/7, kids in today’s world are being taught isolation and are committing suicide in record numbers.

The stuff they think is fun is isolating them from Jesus. It shows.

I wonder if Satan is laughing?

He has taken sin to a whole new level. Now, more than ever before, sin is cool.

rach-087.jpgI was talking to one of my Christian tennis academy students who recently spent a few months at arguably the most famous tennis academy in Spain.

Among all players and coaches, he was most probably the only Christian on campus.

Aside from discussing their “high performance” tennis training which he described as pretty basic stuff, he filled me in on the questionable activities permitted the students by the academy owner and coaches. The tennis academy has about 100 full time students.birthdaydillo-105closeup.jpg

A quick rundown of shocking activities he learned of which are not found in the shiny brochures and cool web site… a female prostitute stays near the tennis academy property for sex with male players, coaches “unofficially” endorsing male players being with prostitutes to keep players from wanting full time girlfriends, players having sex with each other.

Players also leave their dorms and host homes late on Saturday nights and go to adult clubs until 7am Sunday morning. Players are having sex with people they meet at clubs, drinking alcohol & getting drunk, steroid use “unofficially” encouraged by select coaches for certain players, obscene language from players and coaches, players allowed to gamble in casinos….

The kid explaining everything to me isn’t some goody-two-shoes, holier than though junior. After his first month there, he got caught up in the mess, too. He is an amazing kid who trustingly went to Spain to improve his game, and got caught in a tornado of sin.

(In defense of the academy, I don’t know if any of the statements are true, though I do know the player well and have no reason to doubt him, and I have been informed about many of the same problems by other players, including a top 40 pro player I coached full time who competes in Grand Slams.)

I guess for teens raised in a worldly environment without hope, that all can look like a fun time. The tennis academy wants to make a lot of money, so they avoid confronting the players basically to the point of endorsing the lifestyle.

julia-scotty.jpgTo an already hurting and isolated generation add alcohol, drugs, sexual addiction, STDs, pornography, gambling, homosexual activity, eating disorders, physical abuse, and so much more… and suicide numbers increase dramatically.

What is the Christian tennis world doing to help? Nothing, really. They’re afraid to.

Even Christian former Grand Slam champions seem to be afraid to outwardly share their faith in fear of being rejected by the tennis establishment they have seemingly grown to adore being worshiped by.

If I had the kind of influence you gain by winning a Grand Slam, you’d see me sharing my faith on every tennis TV show, tennis magazine, newspaper… (kind of like what Billy Jean King does as she promotes homosexuality, but with Jesus as the main focus instead of sex.)

Christian tennis coaches quickly hide their Christian faith in fear of offending a person facing eternity in Hell. It gets ridiculous….

I wonder if Satan is amused? The thought of that hacks me off.pacific-life-2007-day-3-035.jpg

Not to long ago I was faced with one of Satan’s newest jokes. I discovered it about the time I was teaching some people the importance of serving in a strong, Bible based church.

First, before I tell you, let me ask you a question. If you were Satan and you didn’t want Jesus to come back and end your rule on earth, what would you do? Probably make sin cool and acceptable while teaching Christians the need to not offend others, right?

Sure, because that would slow the spread of the Gospel worldwide and you would have more time to lead people to Hell.

leadership-conference-miami-068.jpgThat said, want to hear what I’ve recently discovered… possibly his newest joke!?

I actually couldn’t believe it when a friend told me. I had to discover it for my self…

One of the hottest trends designed by mega-church pastors in the Christian world is to plant pastor-less churches all over America!

Yes, churches are being planted which have no pastor. People actually sit in a building and watch a “live” broadcast from a church far away. And it’s a hot new trend all the “cool” mega-pastors are doing.scott-speaking-trips-033.jpg

Honestly, I couldn’t believe it when I first heard about it.

I can just hear Satan chuckle.

My pastor in my teens and early 20s helped keep me alive! He hugged me, he fed me, he prayed for me, he advised me. Without him, I would be dead.

I’m living proof of the need for us to have a pastor serving a congregation.

Teens are killing themselves in record numbers, famous Christians in tennis hide their faith in Christ, and our trendy Christian leaders are planting churches without pastors.

What happened to Christians who boldly stood up and demanded to be heard!? Why are there so many wimps? Why have so many geldings been created who are afraid of a defeated foe? Why are we developing a generation of isolation?

Again, can’t you just hear Satan’s demonic giggle?

I realize there isn’t much I can do about any of this. Hopefully, when you read this you show some resolve and call or email me. I need your help.

043_43.jpgMy ministry could reach over 3,000,000 tennis fans at major pro tournaments, plus every major tennis academy worldwide, with enough prayer and financial support partners.

We could partner together to offer free Christian materials to literally millions of tennis players and fans worldwide.

Though there is a lot I can’t change overnight, one thing I can do is help the people God sends to me.

Remember my full time Christian tennis academy student, “Lucy”, the one who was at the world famous tennis academy and tried to take her life? She is doing very well. She and her family are amazed at the radical changes in her life. Her non-Christian family is becoming curious about Jesus!

A young teen bent on suicide who was a victim of abuse in tennis has overcome Satan’s attacks and is falling deeper in love with Jesus. Now, she’s pretty awesome to be around… and man, how inspiring her testimony has become.

Tennis is basically the sport of the richest people in the world. These people have influence.dscf2365.jpg

Reach them and you reach culture.

If you have ideas or thoughts to help partner with me to confront sin, please call me right now. 386 793 0557. Don’t wait.

My student is going back to Spain soon. We are busily preparing him to be an effective missionary to the tennis academy.

He is immersing himself in facts about the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus… and the authenticity of the Bible. He’s getting back to a strong prayer life. We are working together to write a Christian booklet in English, Russian, and Spanish he will work to publish this month and then give away by the hundreds to other players.

Plus, I’m working him out on the tennis court at a much higher level than anyone at that academy receives so the kids will notice a drastically improved player than the one who left. This kid really wants to make a difference.zgroupnasseratlantamed.jpg

You can make a difference.


God bless,

Scott Paschal

International Christian Tennis Association

2008 Christian Tennis Devotionals