January 15, 2008

Scott Paschal Confronts Suicide in Tennis

Posted in christian tennis, Christian Tennis Academy, Christian Tennis Mission Trips, Christian Tennis Outreach, Christian Tennis Player, Cult Buster, Demon Possessed, Hope, ICTA Tennis, ICTA Tennis Ministry, International Christian Tennis Association, Junior Tennis, Leadership, scott paschal, Scott Paschal Tennis, Spain Tennis, Teamwork, Tennis Devotionals, Tennis Ministry tagged , , , , , at 10:10 pm by Scott Paschal


“If I had the kind of influence you gain by winning a Grand Slam, you’d see me sharing my Christian faith on every tennis TV show, tennis magazine, newspaper and at major tennis events worldwide… kind of like what Billy Jean King does as she promotes homosexuality, but with Jesus as the main focus instead of sex. What are people in tennis doing to truly support youth?” Scott Paschal



Few things hurt more than seeing young lives tragically end.

What I’m about to write will be considered shocking and controversial within the political correctness which is today’s tennis world.

Suicide fills the minds of today’s teens. 1 in 12 teens attempt suicide each year. You don’t want to know how many suicidal tennis players I’ve known, or how much I’ve had to do to keep these kids alive.

From junior tournaments to college tournaments and even to the 2008 Australian Open main draw, players are alive today and able to compete because of God working through my willingness to help young people who found death as their only answer.

I’m not saying this to pat myself on the back. I’m trying to point out that just about everywhere you look kids, and adults, have bought into the satanic lie that death is the answer to their problems. And I want you to know that one person with a willing heart can make a big, positive difference.

Teens today hurt. They hurt more than ever. Armed with laptop computers, cell phones, IPODS, video games, instant messaging, Facebook & MySpace, and high speed internet access 24/7, kids in today’s world are being taught isolation and are committing suicide in record numbers.

The stuff they think is fun is isolating them from Jesus. It shows.

I wonder if Satan is laughing?

He has taken sin to a whole new level. Now, more than ever before, sin is cool.

rach-087.jpgI was talking to one of my Christian tennis academy students who recently spent a few months at arguably the most famous tennis academy in Spain.

Among all players and coaches, he was most probably the only Christian on campus.

Aside from discussing their “high performance” tennis training which he described as pretty basic stuff, he filled me in on the questionable activities permitted the students by the academy owner and coaches. The tennis academy has about 100 full time students.birthdaydillo-105closeup.jpg

A quick rundown of shocking activities he learned of which are not found in the shiny brochures and cool web site… a female prostitute stays near the tennis academy property for sex with male players, coaches “unofficially” endorsing male players being with prostitutes to keep players from wanting full time girlfriends, players having sex with each other.

Players also leave their dorms and host homes late on Saturday nights and go to adult clubs until 7am Sunday morning. Players are having sex with people they meet at clubs, drinking alcohol & getting drunk, steroid use “unofficially” encouraged by select coaches for certain players, obscene language from players and coaches, players allowed to gamble in casinos….

The kid explaining everything to me isn’t some goody-two-shoes, holier than though junior. After his first month there, he got caught up in the mess, too. He is an amazing kid who trustingly went to Spain to improve his game, and got caught in a tornado of sin.

(In defense of the academy, I don’t know if any of the statements are true, though I do know the player well and have no reason to doubt him, and I have been informed about many of the same problems by other players, including a top 40 pro player I coached full time who competes in Grand Slams.)

I guess for teens raised in a worldly environment without hope, that all can look like a fun time. The tennis academy wants to make a lot of money, so they avoid confronting the players basically to the point of endorsing the lifestyle.

julia-scotty.jpgTo an already hurting and isolated generation add alcohol, drugs, sexual addiction, STDs, pornography, gambling, homosexual activity, eating disorders, physical abuse, and so much more… and suicide numbers increase dramatically.

What is the Christian tennis world doing to help? Nothing, really. They’re afraid to.

Even Christian former Grand Slam champions seem to be afraid to outwardly share their faith in fear of being rejected by the tennis establishment they have seemingly grown to adore being worshiped by.

If I had the kind of influence you gain by winning a Grand Slam, you’d see me sharing my faith on every tennis TV show, tennis magazine, newspaper… (kind of like what Billy Jean King does as she promotes homosexuality, but with Jesus as the main focus instead of sex.)

Christian tennis coaches quickly hide their Christian faith in fear of offending a person facing eternity in Hell. It gets ridiculous….

I wonder if Satan is amused? The thought of that hacks me off.pacific-life-2007-day-3-035.jpg

Not to long ago I was faced with one of Satan’s newest jokes. I discovered it about the time I was teaching some people the importance of serving in a strong, Bible based church.

First, before I tell you, let me ask you a question. If you were Satan and you didn’t want Jesus to come back and end your rule on earth, what would you do? Probably make sin cool and acceptable while teaching Christians the need to not offend others, right?

Sure, because that would slow the spread of the Gospel worldwide and you would have more time to lead people to Hell.

leadership-conference-miami-068.jpgThat said, want to hear what I’ve recently discovered… possibly his newest joke!?

I actually couldn’t believe it when a friend told me. I had to discover it for my self…

One of the hottest trends designed by mega-church pastors in the Christian world is to plant pastor-less churches all over America!

Yes, churches are being planted which have no pastor. People actually sit in a building and watch a “live” broadcast from a church far away. And it’s a hot new trend all the “cool” mega-pastors are doing.scott-speaking-trips-033.jpg

Honestly, I couldn’t believe it when I first heard about it.

I can just hear Satan chuckle.

My pastor in my teens and early 20s helped keep me alive! He hugged me, he fed me, he prayed for me, he advised me. Without him, I would be dead.

I’m living proof of the need for us to have a pastor serving a congregation.

Teens are killing themselves in record numbers, famous Christians in tennis hide their faith in Christ, and our trendy Christian leaders are planting churches without pastors.

What happened to Christians who boldly stood up and demanded to be heard!? Why are there so many wimps? Why have so many geldings been created who are afraid of a defeated foe? Why are we developing a generation of isolation?

Again, can’t you just hear Satan’s demonic giggle?

I realize there isn’t much I can do about any of this. Hopefully, when you read this you show some resolve and call or email me. I need your help.

043_43.jpgMy ministry could reach over 3,000,000 tennis fans at major pro tournaments, plus every major tennis academy worldwide, with enough prayer and financial support partners.

We could partner together to offer free Christian materials to literally millions of tennis players and fans worldwide.

Though there is a lot I can’t change overnight, one thing I can do is help the people God sends to me.

Remember my full time Christian tennis academy student, “Lucy”, the one who was at the world famous tennis academy and tried to take her life? She is doing very well. She and her family are amazed at the radical changes in her life. Her non-Christian family is becoming curious about Jesus!

A young teen bent on suicide who was a victim of abuse in tennis has overcome Satan’s attacks and is falling deeper in love with Jesus. Now, she’s pretty awesome to be around… and man, how inspiring her testimony has become.

Tennis is basically the sport of the richest people in the world. These people have influence.dscf2365.jpg

Reach them and you reach culture.

If you have ideas or thoughts to help partner with me to confront sin, please call me right now. 386 793 0557. Don’t wait.

My student is going back to Spain soon. We are busily preparing him to be an effective missionary to the tennis academy.

He is immersing himself in facts about the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus… and the authenticity of the Bible. He’s getting back to a strong prayer life. We are working together to write a Christian booklet in English, Russian, and Spanish he will work to publish this month and then give away by the hundreds to other players.

Plus, I’m working him out on the tennis court at a much higher level than anyone at that academy receives so the kids will notice a drastically improved player than the one who left. This kid really wants to make a difference.zgroupnasseratlantamed.jpg

You can make a difference.


God bless,

Scott Paschal

International Christian Tennis Association

2008 Christian Tennis Devotionals

December 24, 2007

Even More Christmas Notes… Thank YOU SO MUCH!

Posted in christian tennis, Christian Tennis Academy, Christian Tennis Camps, Christian Tennis Devotional Videos, Christian Tennis Mission Trips, Christian Tennis Outreach, Christian Tennis Player, Faith, Florida Tennis, ICTA, ICTA Tennis, ICTA Tennis Ministry, International Christian Tennis Association, International Tennis Ministry, Love, scott paschal, Scott Paschal Tennis, Tennis Ministry, Uncategorized tagged , , at 1:47 pm by Scott Paschal

Merry Christmas, Scotty,jesus_manger_1.jpg I love getting your email newsletter updates.

I love your encouragement to pray that shackles will come off, 100%. I have been delivered from alcoholism, and daily (hourly) I marvel at God’s 110% mercy. I want everyone to know it.

I met you a few years ago at Family Circle Cup in Charleston , SC. I write for a Christian monthly magazine called _____________. I think you and ICTA would make a great cover story, particularly if you plan to be in our home area.

Let me know if you’re ever interested.

I also want to find out if you have weekly camps. My kids, or even my whole family, would love something like that.

I also want to find out about short-term mission trip opportunities.

In Christ, (editor: name withheld for security reasons)



As usual, a wonderful inspiration newsletter from you stemming from your love for Jesus.

Do not be saddened for being alone with your dog. Tomorrow is Christmas Eve and all throughout the world, your Timothy’s are rummaging throughout the land doing the Lord’s will. Praise God!

I encourage you to rejoice in where He has established you, your dream and vision.

I am active duty Navy, married and have three children. Our families are in St. Louis and Nashville, and we are in California, recently moved here from Tampa. I sympathize with your situation.

At the same time, like you know, we are never alone. God surrounds us and displays Himself in many ways regardless of our situations. Blessing come in many forms. This year, one of your blessings is spending time with your dog – what a gift!:)

Champ, have a Merry Christmas and enjoy the day God has provided.

I share a similar vision in spreading the word of God via Tennis – God’s greatest gift of sport and game. I have some questions regarding the direction I feel the Lord leading me with this vision. If you have a moment, I would like to share them with you.

Met you in Memphis last year and love what you are doing! This was extremely good news in the newsletter.

May God bless you and wishing you a blessed and Happy New Year.

Merry Christmas , Rollin




how are u doing and how are things moving on with u there
well guess not all that bad with u there since The Almighty Heavenly Father and Saviour Jesus is in control

i wish u a happy christmas and a happy new year
well am also in Ghana and things are going on well by His grace

how is ur family and when are u planning of visiting we the christians here in Ghana

i can also be reach on phone through __________________

take care and wish u all the best in everything u doing and the Lord bless u, the Lord be with u and the Lord show is countenances upon u and guard u and then be with u till we meet in Ghana

this has been ur christian brother from Ghana



pic-2.jpgpraise God !!!!

im a born again Christian girl aged 19yrs from kenya ..God has been my strength in all that i do since he has shown me great Love and care in alll that i do .i love tenniss but have not gotten an opportunity to play real games but i know this God is an all round person in Blessing and i beleive he is going to do that ….

i promise after Christmass i will tell you more about my festivity ..but for now i will tell you that God placed a project in my heart three months ago to go out to minister during the festive season by going to visit the sick ,the needy ,and the orphans and i thank Him for that since he has made tomorrow come for me to go out and visit the sick in the hospital and the small amount i saved i have bought some goodies ..i do hope i will write to tell you the outcome of all this has happened just continue praying for us always …we are praying for you too




Merry Christmas! =)

Keep up the good work in bringing more souls to Christ!

All of you will be remembered in our prayers.

God bless!



i am a young boy who is living in cameroon and i lost my dad on the 6 of april 2007 since then things have been bad for us and i have 4 sisters and 1step-brother and a step sisters also my mum is still alive and her name is akom _____ she is a very god fearing person and also she love singing praise song to god.

i am a student in the high school and i do study sciences in which i am intending to become a petrologist engineer.

merry christmas and thanks. greet the other student for memanger-2.jpg
tell them my problem and for prayer for me.



My name is Lilian from Nairobi, Kenya. Just to
wish you a vey merry Christmas and a happy new year.

God Bless you.



My ICTA Friends,

Thank you for giving me motivational words especially on Christmas day.

Till I hear from you.


Best regards,


November 29, 2007

Martina Hingis Cocaine Situation

Posted in Christian Tennis Academy, Christian Tennis Mission Trips, Christian Tennis Outreach, Christian Tennis Player, ICTA Women's Christian Pro Tennis Team, International Christian Tennis Association, Love, Martina Hingis, melody snelen, rachel snelen, scott paschal, Scott Paschal Tennis, Sports Ministry, Teamwork, Typical Parent Visit to ICTA, WTA Tennis tagged , , , , , , , , at 4:42 pm by Scott Paschal

dscf7128.jpgAfter just 4 months with our new blog format, our ICTABlog family has about 500 dedicated readers. Nice.

My journal articles from the other site transfered over pretty well, so you will still have access to previous writings.

Often, I hear from you in the form of emails or phone calls.

(Pic of Mark with his mom and dad, who are church planting missionaries in Mexico. It was great having them stay a couple nights with us at my house while visiting Mark)

Here is a recent written comment from a Tennis Mom…

“Thanks for the stories and pictures and all that you do. I wish you guys were closer to Las Vegas where we live. I have two outstanding junior players Kristofer and Kimberly. Both are raised the Christian way. We do not belong to any church but as there mother I do the best I can. Of course I could use some help since teens do not always want to listen to their mother. It would be awesome to have my almost 14 year old son experience an environment that you provide for your players in Florida. God Bless you and please take care.” Gabriella

I really appreciate this mom’s thoughts. She’s right, too. Kids in tennis need to experience a high-performance tennis training environment that connects with their faith in Jesus.

In my view, I fully believe every junior tennis player in the world should have the opportunity to experience world-class tennis training, international tournaments, and Christian outreach. I’ve personally seen the life-changing impact this has on kids and their families.

dscf2912.jpgTennis needs positive, life-impacting stuff, right now.

(Pic of Rachel and Melody Snelen, ICTA Women’s Pro Tennis Team members, posing on a wall at King Herod’s palace in Cesaeria, Israel during an outreach.)

Speaking of positive and life-impacting, can I be controversial for a minute on the Martina Hingis situation?

Martina, your 12 years as a role model to the world’s youth have earned my respect. Your 12 years being known as an honest person on the WTA tour has earned my respect.

Your dedication to the game, your excellence in your broadcasting career, your passion in your comeback… all while proving yourself 100% free of any banned substances for 12 years of mandatory testing by the ITF is awe inspiring.

I fully believe, as you have stated, that you have never taken drugs.

Thus, my challenge to the ITF is this…

Prove to the tennis world that Martina isn’t the victim of a “modern day stabbing” by a jealous fanatic, such as Monica Seles’ situation. Instead of thrusting a knife into a player in front of an international audience, possibly criminals have become smarter?

Honestly, it would be simple to contaminate a player. How? Simply lace a pen with cocaine and have the player use it to sign an autograph.

Or add cocaine to the fuzz on a big yellow tennis ball and gently pat or shake it in front of the player’s face as you reach forward for her to sign… or sneeze a minute amount of a banned substance out of your hand in the player’s direction as you walk by…. or shake her hand with your contaminated cocaine hand….

Soon, an official ITF tribunal will formally submit its findings. Most likely, Hingis will be found “guilty” and punished. What is the checks and balances of the system? Really, almost nothing. The bad guys very well could win this one.

I’d like to see Hingis be able to take a lie-detector test at the very least and have that weighed in when the ITF tribunal evaluates evidence.

And… I’d like to see the urine tests of the people who make up the tribunal ;). Or to see mandatory drug testing for all ITF and USTA staff and coaches. Would be interesting to see how their lives change when they are forced to live daily with the knowledge they, too, could be easily and quickly contaminated by a common passerby with an agenda.

Tennis is a multi-billion dollar industry. Billions and billions. The money is huge and the stakes are high. Players are often in difficult situations…. What, if anything, is the ITF doing to truly protect them?

Shoot, even Tommy Haas recently was tested to see if he was poisoned in Russia during Davis Cup. The “official” ruling by the ITF after they studied the results of his blood test was that no poisoning happened, and they slammed the door shut. But, what fool would have used a poison that could still be detected in a blood test weeks after the poisoning occurred….

Has anyone ever heard of the Russian mafia, illegal sports betting, threats to athletes…?

Hello!? There is more to this multi-billion $ industry than Rafa vs Fed, and the latest Tennis magazine.

In life, all of us will go through different trials. Maybe we discover a loved one has cancer or a heart condition. Maybe we lose our income. Or possibly the guilty stamp will be placed on our lives without regard to innocence.

In those times, the hardest of times, where do you turn?

I turn to Jesus. I turn to a Savior I have researched for nearly 20 years and know beyond doubt is real. I turn to the one whose signature is woven in my DNA, whose intelligence can be seen in the placement of the earth in the sky, whose life and death and resurrection is proven beyond doubt…

… who has personally impacted me in a way that leaves me with no options but to listen and know He is God.dscf7117.jpg

(pic of Jon, who i’ve coached for 3+ years, and me during Thanksgiving dinner at church. nice 3D shades, Jon… not)

I have tough things happen to me. My testimony would leave you in tears. I had every excuse to go bad, to follow a bad life down a bad path.

But, like Martina, my earthly life was contaminated. Yet, not by cocaine, but by Christ.

My hardest time in life led me to my Savior.

The issue isn’t cocaine and did she do it or who “stabbed” her.

The issue is where will she turn? Who has her attention?

My prayer is Martina Hingis, like you and me, will rely on the only One who is truly reliable.

God bless,

Scott Paschal

International Christian Tennis Association

November 8, 2007

Christian Junior and Pro Tennis Players Shine for Christ!

Posted in Athletes in Action Tennis, christian tennis, Christian Tennis Academy, Christian Tennis Mission Trips, Christian Tennis Player, Emma Hustad, Faith, Fellowship, ICTA 3-Week Mission Tour of Mexico, ICTA Women's Christian Pro Tennis Team, International Christian Tennis Association, melody snelen, rachel snelen, scott paschal, Scott Paschal Tennis tagged , , , , , , , at 11:29 pm by Scott Paschal

dscf7076.jpgThings are so busy around the ICTAHouse!

We are all getting ready for ICTA outreaches to Israel and Mexico this month in which the ICTA Women’s Pro Tennis Teams will compete in ITF Pro Circuit tournaments!

(pic of me with two students who won their divisions in recent tournament)

On top of preparing two international outreaches… we have junior tournaments to attend, daily high-performance tennis training for students representing 7 countries, discipleship training, schoolwork, accounting, bills :(, grocery shopping, cleaning… missions planning for ’08, strategic ministry growth development, personal goals, putting out “fires”, and so, so, so much more… like I said… this is a happening place, and much work gets done to make ministry happen.

Melody and Rachel Snelen will lead an ICTA Women’s Pro Tennis Team outreach in Ramat Hashoran, Israel, while I take a team to Mexico City, Mexico. This will mark the first time in the history of ICTA that two outreaches will occur at the same time, and personally, I’m excited knowing the name of Jesus will be spoken at these world class tournaments to players, coaches, volunteers, and fans.

Most of you reading this have no idea of the pain so many female players are forced to live through as they attempt to become top pro players. Sexualdscf7049.jpg abuse, drug abuse, physical abuse, mental abuse, religious abuse…. Our ICTA player missionaries are highly trained to reach hurting players of all walks of life. Over 6 years of practice, patience, and prayer have developed our methods.

About a dozen now top 100 WTA players have been reached in a meaningful way, in a way that matters that they won’t forget.  In addition, dozens of others ranked from 100 to 1500 WTA, and world class juniors have been reached.  The impact on the pro tour has been profound and stabilizing.

(pic of me and Anastasia as we all celebrated her 1st birthday as a Christian on October 28!)

I’m really looking forward to Mexico City. The player/missionaries I’m traveling with are such good people and a lot of fun. Pretty good tennis players, too. We’ll take lots of pics and videos to share with you.

dscf7059.jpg This pic is of me and one of my friends. He is one of the special mentors God has placed in my life. His business and ministry wisdom is second to none.

In business he invented his entire industry. He has worked with about every US president since I’ve been alive and most major corporations, traveled the world more times and to more places than anyone I’ve ever heard of… and he has helped guide me for a long, long time.

More than any person alive today, this man knows exactly what God has called me to do and exactly why, and he supports and loves me unconditionally as I journey towards God’s development of my life as He prepares me fordscf7055.jpg eternity.

He knows when God calls, you gotta go. And beyond that, he has a complete and clear understanding that a Christian’s reputation and success is determined by God, and God alone.

(here’s a pic of some of my students hanging out during matches)

2007 has been the best year I’ve ever had in ministry. It’s also been the most challenging. Lessons learned from past mistakes and failures are paying off, as is the willingness to take risks.

I’m excited to think about the International Christian Tennis Association 5…10 years from now, and I’m curious as to how God will develop things.

What has been accomplished in the last 7 years in spite of seemingly insurmountable odds is so… well… it’s so amazing dscf2291.jpgthat I really can’t put it into words. The fact that God can believe a piece of poop like me is worth developing is indescribable.

(this is a pic of two international students studying their Bible in a room at my house, ICTAHouse.)

Emma Hustad, who was my summer 2007 intern (and Fellowship of Christian Athletes campus President and Athletes in Action leader), will journey with Rachel and Melody Snelen, and their Mom, to Israel next Tuesday. (ICTA is sending a group of Christian pro tennis players to Israel! That statement gives me goose bumps. Israel. Wow.)

And I’ll be with another team in Mexico! Two teams in two countries. For our little ministry, this is a pretty big undertaking and a really special event!


(here’s a pic of Mel hitting a volley in practice)

Please keep our missionaries in your prayers. These girls are doing some terrific work sharing their faith, time, food, shelter, etc. with others from around the world.

In a “me” centered world, these young people shine for Christ. They are rare, special, and tremendous examples of Christian pro athletes.

God bless,

Scott Paschal

October 29, 2007

ICTA Women’s Pro Tennis Team Outreach in Israel

Posted in Athletes in Action Tennis, christian tennis, Christian Tennis Mission Trips, Christian Tennis Player, ChristianTennis Israel, Emma Hustad, Faith, ICTA Women's Christian Pro Tennis Team, International Christian Tennis Association, melody snelen, rachel snelen, scott paschal, Scott Paschal Tennis, Sports Ministry, Teamwork, WTA Tennis tagged , , , , , , , at 11:41 pm by Scott Paschal

Outreach Israel

ICTA Women’s Pro Tennis Team
November 14-22, 2007

On November 14, 2007, the International Christian Tennis Association will begin an outreach which has been 4 months in planning.

Rachel and Melody Snelen, and Emma Hustad (Fellowship of Christian Athletes Campus President and my 2007 summer intern) will represent the ICTA Women’s Pro Tennis Team during a special ICTA outreach to WTA players and world class juniors competing in an International Tennis Federation pro tennis tournament in Israel.

Music evangelist and certified chaplain, Joy Snelen, will journey with the team for this special event.

rachel-3-weeks-mexico-387.jpgAlong with providing an outreach, the ICTA Women’s Pro Tennis Team will compete in the pro tournament. How does an outreach work?

Upon arrival at the tennis venue, the team will locate hitting partners. Email addresses and phone numbers are exchanged as relationships are built.

Often, our team members are each able to train with several different players each day, which is great for Christian outreach, as well as their tennis skill development. The outreach focus is on developing a relationship with the players, their parent(s)and coach, if any.

From buying food to providing shelter to sharing their faith to just being a friend or hitting partner, the team is prepared to be used however God leads.

Please keep the team in your prayers as they fly into Tel Aviv, and journey to the pro tournament location in Ramat Hasharon.

They are very fortunate to have partnered with a ministry based in Israel for housing and safe, effective daily planning as the team will also travel to several Biblical destinations after the tournament.

So, thank you in advance for your prayers, and if you feel called, for your financial support.

We’ll keep you up to date on the trip, and will write soon with updates.

God bless,

Scotty Paschal
International Christian Tennis Association


October 3, 2007

So Much Christian Tennis Fun!

Posted in anastasia kharchenko, christian tennis, Christian Tennis Academy, Christian Tennis Camps, Christian Tennis Mission Trips, Christian Tennis Player, Christian Tennis Ukraine, Emma Hustad, Faith, Fellowship, International Christian Tennis Association, Leadership, melody snelen, Parent Coach Relationship, rachel snelen, scott paschal, Scott Paschal Tennis, Sports Ministry, Typical Parent Visit to ICTA tagged , , , at 8:28 pm by Scott Paschal


Ana Forehand ClaycourtsHere are a few pics to share with our ICTABlog family! This one to the left is of Anastasia Kharchenko as she nails a forehand while winning the Finals of a tournament. Notice how high she is off the ground. Awesome.

Ana is a member of the ICTA Women’s Pro Tennis Team. I have been blessed to be her coach and USA dad for a year now! Ana is Ukrainian, and was Ukraine’s #1 junior and was #5 in Europe. She has competed evenly with the world’s top juniors and with the #7 D1 college player in America.

Her dream is to become a top player and share her faith! Ana became a Christian a month after she arrived at ICTA. Ana’s tennis has skyrocketed during her year training with us. I am impressed with her work ethic and determination to improve. While Ana does not yet have Vakulenko’s power, she has better quickness, smoother hands, and is a superior all-around athlete. Vakulenko took about 8-9 years to reach top 50 WTA as she started pro at 14 yrs.

It will be quite exciting to see Ana develop into a top player over the next 5-7 years, when she will be 22-24 yrs. 5-7 years might sound like a long time to a non-tennis person, but in reality it is a short time. I do have my work cut out for me as developing a pro player does not come easily… many mountains must be climbed. Yet, I believe Ana knows God is working in her life, and I’m thrilled for her. If she stays healthy and works very hard, and she can play many, many tournaments and matches worldwide, Ana has the ability make top 100 WTA. But, it will not be easy. nor is it guaranteed. Developing into a pro player takes years of focused determination, not weeks.

This is a really neat pic I’m having made into a big 10×12 in my office wall. By office, I mean my bedroom in my house :). Nasser, B18 #1 USTA, Christian Tennis dot Net But, it’s still my official office! When I think of the amount of days, week, and years that went into this picture coming together, I’m blown away by God’s love and grace.

I don’t want to give names in this pic, except to mention Nasser as without his mentoring and guidance ICTA would have gone belly up long ago, but I do want to say I really appreciate this pic. My friends, students, and the #1 junior in America whose tennis career God has had me help guide for a few years now, especially in ’06-’07.

Like Ana, this young man has the potential to break the top 100 ATP. I believe when he does, God’s name will receive all the fame.

The ICTA high performance tennis program is really unlike any tennis program I have ever seen. The students not only enjoy the Christian atmosphere, but they really enjoy each other. This current group has an amazing bond. I think part ICTA Christian Tennis Missionary Students from 4 Countries at Rock the Universe ‘07of the reason is they come from so many different places in this world.

This pic is a fun one of these world-class athletes kidding around on a Merry-Go-Round at Universal Studios during Rock the Universe ’07. The other one is of David from Australia driving Rachel from USA and Anastasia from Ukraine in a Chinese taxi-bike!

Currently, 7 different countries are represented in my home! I find that both amazing and exciting. Missionaries, kids who love Jesus and want to dive deeper in knowledge of Him, sharing their lives and experiences with each other, while also living with each other in support of ministry.

Which countries?

Indonesia, Ukraine, USA, Mexico, Australia, Japan, and Venezuela.

Each learning leadership skills, each learning the facts of the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus.

Seeing God’s signature in human DNA and the earth’s place in the Universe. Interning with me to grow ICTA while also learning valuable ministry skills.

This weekend will be really exciting! Currently, Joe’s mom, Sue, is here spending a few days with us! Sue has been part of ICTA since 1999 and is one of ICTA’s first 5 members! Joe, one of my former students from ’99 to’05, will be here tomorrow to visit. Joe’s been playing college tennis and is in his second year. Both Joe and his Mom were Mormons before they met us. God worked through Rach, Mel, and myself to open their eyes to the lies of Mormonism, and both are now Christian.ICTA Christian Tennis Missionary Students from 3 Countries at Rock the Universe ‘07

On Friday Brent’s dad, Jim, will be here from Birmingham, Alabama. Remember, I coached Brent a few years ago. Brent went on to play college tennis and is doing so well in his young life. I’m thrilled to see Jim this weekend! Jim is one great guy and a special supporter of ICTA and of Rachel and Melody Snelen.

And on either Saturday evening or Sunday morning, a new international student will arrive from South America! Plus, on Saturday I’m excited for a new Faith & Tennis Camper, and his parents, to arrive from Atlanta to train and play tournaments for a couple of weeks with our ICTA boy’s junior missionary team! We will definitely have a full crew in my house (ICTAHouse) this weekend!

I love it! So great to see years of hard work and God’s blessings tying together in the International Christian Tennis Association.

Thank you for your prayers and emails of support. And a special thank you to FCA’s Emma Hustad (and my former intern!) for sending me a “care package” of my favorite tea (that she got me addicted to!) along with such a special note! Thanks squirt! Thanks for “being” you…

God bless,

Scott Paschal

August 7, 2007

Bryan Brothers and ICTA’s Melody & Rachel Play at Legg Mason Tennis Classic In Washington, DC!!

Posted in ATP Tennis, Bryan Brothers, christian tennis, Christian Tennis Academy, Christian Tennis Mission Trips, Christian Tennis Player, Cults, Fellowship, ICTA Women's Christian Pro Tennis Team, Legg Mason Tennis Classic, melody snelen, rachel snelen, scott paschal, Teamwork, WTA Tennis at 2:54 pm by Scott Paschal

Mike Bryan and Melody with Bob Bryan and Rachel

Hello there. This is Scott Paschal, founder of the International Christian Tennis Association, http://www.christiantennis.net. I’d like to update you on our latest ICTA Mission Trip.

Here is a great picture of Bob Bryan and Rachel (lt) with Mike Bryan and Melody (rt) taken in Washington DC at a US OPEN SERIES tournament called the Legg Mason Tennis Classic.

Bob and Mike played main draw men’s doubles, while Rachel and Melody played main draw women’s doubles. We’re doing some research to see if this was the first time in history twin guys played the same tournament as twin girls! Rach and Bob played against each other for fun during the event.

This famous professional tennis tournament was played July 28 – August 5, 2007 at the
William H.G. FitzGerald Tennis Center in Rock Creek Park and benefited the Washington Tennis & Education Foundation.

In prayer, the International Christian Tennis Association made the decision to send the ICTA Women’s Pro Tennis Team to compete in this fabulous event. Rachel, Melody, and Emma Hustad represented the team, which is the first and only of its kind in the history of tennis. The entire trip was God-blessed from the first minute until the last.

I’ll touch on a few of the highlights here, but know we are preparing an entire ICTA Video production to share this God-blessed mission trip to the largest audience possible in hope of inspiring people worldwide.

God placed these wonderful women reached some of the most famous ATP men’s players in the world with one on one conversations about faith.

They had the amazing opportunity to room for the week with a really special player (who was not a Christian!) and feel God work.

Rachel and Melody were offered professional coaching by a famous tennis players… for free. He is a Grand Slam champion and both girls are excited at the opportunity to be able to call him anytime, meet him at his home, and learn from his vast knowledge.

Rach and Mel lost in main draw doubles. But, the positive of the loss was the match was competitive as the sister  twins played the #1 seeds, who are top 100 WTA players and compete in Grand Slams. Their new Grand Slam Champion friend feels with his help they could more strongly compete at this level. As their many injuries over the last 2 years are healing… I am excited to see God continue fulfilling the dreams the twins have had since childhood!

The connections the girls made throughout the entire event have been astounding. Everyone noticed them and God blessed the entire trip.

What’s next for the ICTA Women’s Pro Tennis Team!? They are flying to Israel on Friday.

So exciting for ICTA to send a team of professional athletes to share Christ and serve hard in Jerusalem. I’ll write more on this upcoming mission trip soon.

God bless,

Scott Paschal
386 793 0557

August 6, 2007

Scott Paschal Receives Letter from Anastasia Kharchenko!

Posted in anastasia kharchenko, christian tennis, Christian Tennis Academy, Christian Tennis Mission Trips, Christian Tennis Player, Christian Tennis Ukraine, Cult Buster, Faith, Hope, ICTA Women's Christian Pro Tennis Team, Love, melody snelen, rachel snelen, scott paschal, Scott Paschal Tennis, Sports Ministry, Teamwork at 1:03 pm by Scott Paschal

Hello there!

Much has been happening around the International Christian Tennis Association since I last checked in!

I’ll write a bit more than usual this week to help fill each of you in. God is so good and I want to tell you about all He has done!!

Today, I’d like to share with a card I received from Ana, my “adopted” daughter from Kiev, Ukraine who has trained with me now for nearly a year.

For those of you who don’t know Ana…ICTA Women’s Pro Tennis Team met Ana in Juarez, Mexico, during an ITF Pro Circuit tournament. Ana was in a very difficult situation with an abusive coach. Her father was notified of the situation, and Ana was allowed to immediately fly to Florida to ICTA.

Ana soon became a Christian…and feels God came to find her in her darkest hour. Her testimony of faith is amazing. She has a goal to become a top pro player and share her faith & help others in need. I’m 100% agreed with helping her!

Anastasia is back home in Kiev until August and I miss her tremendously. Not only do I miss her, but everyone at Ultimate Impact Tennis Academy misses her, as well!

I’ll write more tomorrow or Friday about International Christian Tennis Association’s amazing mission trips to Lexington, Kentucky, and then to Washington DC for the Legg Mason Tennis Classic!

Be sure to check back for updates!

Here’s my Ana…

Dear Scott,

First I want to say how much I miss you. All positive things that I do now coming from your patient teaching. I want to say THANK YOU so much for all things that you taught me. It helps me now a lot.

Everyone who is around me noticed that my actions are very mature. I grew in my tennis game and in my social life, too!

I got back to Ukraine where is everything is still the same (even worse), but I see all of that in different way.

Now I know how to respond with different types of people and give them a thought in their minds about Jesus after my answer or reaction.

There is so many things I want to say about what works in my life that you taught me, but it can’t fit all in this little (tiny) card. This is card I want to show you a tiny part of my appreciation for all your work in my life.

I’m always thanking God for you. Because it’s not only in my life you did so much work & made a difference, but in each student’s life that is in ICTA.

And you doing it all from your heart!!! Having you in my life-it’s a blessing!

Love you & miss you a lot! You’re unbelievable.

God bless you,


June 23, 2007

International Christian Tennis Association: Thanks for Asking

Posted in christian tennis, Christian Tennis Mission Trips, Christian Tennis Player, Faith, Fellowship, Hope, scott paschal, Scott Paschal Tennis, Teamwork at 2:54 am by Scott Paschal

Hello, this is Scott Paschal. I’m really enjoying watching God work in the lives of these tennis missionaries which are invading my house, blessing my life, and claiming a spot in my heart here in beautiful Palm Coast, Florida!

Each young person has a really unique personality and each has come to really bond with the others, which is so rare in today’s world! From these close bonds they learn trust and are willing to let others into their worlds.

Where are the students I’m working with this summer from?

Ukraine… Australia… USA… Trinidad… Samoa… and Mexico. The majority of my wonderful kids I’ve been blessed to coach and mentor have parents who are in ministry… pastors, worship leaders, church planting missionaries.

I am always amazed at the incredible difference between secular parents and Christian parents in ministry. The respect given to me, to their children, and to the other students by these rare individuals is so special and different. I’m blessed and my little Christian tennis academy is blessed.

God is blessing my upcoming plans as well. This is an important time in my life. When I began ICTA back in 1999, I gave myself 10 years to learn about ministry. To see if I could be used by God to make any kind of positive difference for the Kingdom. 8 years later I’m still in ministry and God has blessed every step.

I didn’t know if I would last this long as I’m just like most of you, full of faults and have never been to seminary. I was pretty much an ignorant moron my first few years in ministry and spent a lot of time with my foot in my mouth as I battled my pride and my need to do it all on my own. Well, I lived through the first 8 years and have 2 years left.

As I said, this is an important time in my personal ministry. I’ve put off having a family, I’ve put off making $, I’ve really sacrificed everything that most people don’t sacrifice… and now I’m heading into the home stretch.

What’s the next 24 months going to bring? God willing some neat stuff. I’ll keep quiet about it now but I would like to ask you to keep me in your prayers. Please also keep my family and my friends in your prayers. Satan seems to be somewhat concerned about me and has used his people for several years to attack my family and friends, and members of the ICTA Women’s Pro Tennis Team. Your prayers are much welcomed in this battle.

For your prayers for me, I’d like you to focus on praying for me to remain effective in slowing down and letting God direct my steps. Satan’s people attacking me doesn’t affect me any more… my most pressing prayer need is for you to pray I continue to walk with Him with my eyes shut and my mouth closed, and to be able to continuously hear Him in my life and respond to His commands… especially when He leads me down paths that make no sense to my fish-in-a-bowl brain.

To wrap this up…I receive email near daily from people sharing how ICTA has made a positive difference in their lives… sometimes just knowing we’re out there sharing our Christian faith in tennis makes some people really inspired to do the same. Well, you people inspire me as well!

People have been led to know Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior from hearing the Gospel through ICTA’s mission trips to famous tennis tournaments, my small tennis academy, our women’s missionary pro tennis team. This is powerful and special and awe-inspiring. This tennis ministry is effective and is God-blessed and is God-driven and is God-inspired.

So for those of you who have wondered what I’ve been up to this summer and who want to know how I am doing… well, I am doing well and have 2 more years left and am more in love with Jesus than ever from going to war with Him… so, thanks for asking!

God bless,

Scott Paschal
386 793 0557

June 14, 2007

International Christian Tennis Association’s 2007 French Open Mission Trip

Posted in christian tennis, Christian Tennis Association Paris, Christian Tennis Mission Trips, Christian Tennis Player, Cults, Emma Hustad, Faith, Fellowship, Hope, ICTA Attends 2007 French Open, ICTA Women's Christian Pro Tennis Team, Love, melody snelen, rachel snelen, scott paschal, Scott Paschal Tennis, Sports Ministry, Teamwork at 6:28 pm by Scott Paschal

Emma Hustad and Rachel Snelen visiting a french castle B&B on their way back to Paris from touring Normandy.

God has opened doors of opportunity in France for the International Christian Tennis Association. Answered prayers have brought a plan and a purpose for our tennis ministry. And through the dedication of a few people willing to walk in faith, a new ministry is growing towards not only the French Open, but to people in Paris, France.

Rachel Snelen, Emma Hustad, and I, Scott Paschal, are in awe of the opportunity God has placed before us as Christian tennis missionaries and tireless workers for the Kingdom. Rachel Snelen, such a special person who has dedicated her life, not to playing tennis professionally though she reached her lifelong dream of being WTA ranked, but to reaching and discipling WTA tennis players and top juniors for Christ.

And Emma Hustad, awesome… an intern with me who is dedicating her summer to helping me grow tennis ministry worldwide, and an amazingly bright, kind person full of hope and faith. She has brought a strong maturity to strengthen those around her and has reminded me of the standards I need to keep and why when choosing students and interns.

An amazing tour guide and photographer and ourselves spent 5 days following God’s lead as we discovered a plan God has placed in our paths. A kind, loving French pastor and his family showed among the most brutally honest Christian witness I have ever seen. And Rachel Snelen and Emma Hustad blew me away by their ability to go and grow and watch and learn and share…

These few pics are from the beginning of our journey to Paris and Roland Garros. I hope you enjoy them. They show our trip to Orlando Int’l Airport to JFK to Paris… and at the end of the gallery you will see a glimpse of what was yet to come.

God bless, Scott Paschal

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